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cooling fans

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the primary fan is supposed to come on at 1/2 and the secondary at 3/4 right???...because when i do the diagnostic on the ecm both fans comes on....but when im driving theres only one fan that comes on at 3/4 when its too late....primary fan doesnt come on...does anybody know what it could be?..thx :cry:


i heard the drivers side comes on around when the thermostat kicks on....usually about 190 or so. then when the temp gets up around 240-260 the secondary kicks on. I just ran a bypass switch through the secondary so i can switch it on whenever i want it. check this out.....




Some one who knows 100% what they are talking about, please correct me.


aweb80 thx for the info!!!!...i might just do that...if i dont find the problem :P


I have a similar issue with my fan, I bypassed one fan wire and just reconnected both of them together so that when one fan comes on, then the other fan turns on as well.


aparently the fans on these things dont work well - the one on the passenger side of my GP NEVER turns on is it possible to check if it works by switching the positions of the plugs on the fans?? If it doesnt work how much do the things cost? Ill need to get it working before the 115+ degree summer comes around :?


if you want to know if both fans work...put it in Diagnostic mod...like you was reading the codes...the humming sound is your fans...if they work they should come on (both)


ive got the 3100 and i dont have the ability to grab the diag. codes. (stupid gm didnt give me that option :dammit: )


Hey, grandprix104. Check the link i posted above. Take the relay switch for the second fan and pull it out. then take a wire and jump from the #30 to #87 and the fan should turn on. Just check the link, it explains it better. I have the 3100 like you, i should have taken pics but i don't have a dig. camera.


P.S. Use a test light, it helps finding what is hot and what is not.


my bad :oops: Go to the link, click on "upgrades" on the bottom left. Then on the next page go to "Manual coolingfan control" then read that. It helped me.

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