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diif took a shit on me today

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my differential kicked the bucket today. it's going to require pulling the engine and a rebuild of the trans. Surprisingly, im not that mad because it acts up every no and then and the VSS had a bunch o shavings on it the last time i checked it.


scary part is that i was supposed to head out to charlotte NC tomarow night. VERY happy that it went now instead of 500 miles away!!!!!!!!!


here are some pics of the carnage.




[attachment deleted by admin] Removed to free up storage space.


Shitty dude...but yeah as you said good thing it happened close to home.


holy shit!


That is suprising?


Do any one wheel peels? Doesn't that trans only have 50k on it?


Also I assume this JUST happened as I saw your car sitting up at the 600 building today and it looked fine!?!?


wow that sucks!



:lol: EDIT tony you posted the exact same phrase i did..only like 6 seconds earlier

Do any one wheel peels? Doesn't that trans only have 50k on it?


Also I assume this JUST happened as I saw your car sitting up at the 600 building today and it looked fine!?!?


no one wheels... well not many atleast. maybe like 5. there is a one wheel burnout on the side lot at the 600 bldg, thats the only real one wheel peel.


yea, it happened at about 4:00 this afternoon.

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