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I was car shopping a week ago and I came across what appeared to be an early 90's GP.. the one with the composite headlights (not those miniquads) and had the foglights in the middle right next to the headlights. Well I walked up to the car and it had the '94'96 dash. I dunno.. just found it kinda weird. I guess whoever had it before took the front bumper off an older GP, changed the headlights and whatever else is involved in doing such a project. Sounds like quite a task....

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Yeah it was a 2 door. This was a '95 GP with the like '89 headlights/foglights and bumper. Basically the whole front end.. I dunno... just found it kinda different. And she only has 56,--- miles. :) i love low miles

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I've been there. 86 Celebrity nose/fenders on a wrecked 88 coupe I owned a few years ago. Total investment? 100 dollars. "Pull the chicks" factor with a white Celebrity with green fenders & a blue nose? None. :lol:

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Yeah, but to be truly "ghetto fabulous", you'd have to use whatever was laying around the house. You'd have to go BUY spray paint. :mrgreen: How many of y'all have old cans of paint in the garage? :D


Me? 6. :lol:

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So I guess they didnt bother to make the sides of the car (moldings) match the front? My vote goes for cheap accident repair


No everything matched up fine. Just from looking at the front end when I drove by, it appeared to be an older style GP.. then I looked inside, and it was the newer GP interior. What kinda cost would be involved in doing this? I wanna do that to my 4 door.. I kinda dislike that giant runway of lights on the front of my car.. airplanes are gonna start trying to land on me pretty soon. Sometimes I like it, other times I just get annoyed with it. I'd rather have the older style front end with just the headlights and big foglights next to them.

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don't use spraypaint, it doesnt last long. If you don't have any latex paint, take up the linoleum in the kitchen and hope it matches



WRONG buddy! My old GP was white and holy shit did that thing have its share of accidents and contact with other things (garbage cans, other cars, animals, etc) for all the chipped paint on the hood and fender i spraypainted right over those suckers and it lasted the rest of the 3 months i had the car. even better were the HUGE rust marks on the back of the trunk from putting my bikes on the car via a bike rack. i was handed the car down like that so the first day i got it, i spraypainted right over that crap and it stayed on the whole 8 months i had that car, i didnt even sand it down. spraypaint=good

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Wait, did you just say 3 months? Dude, bird shit will cover up chips for 3 months. I used plastikote spraypaint on my hood and it lasted 1.5 years before it cracked and let some surface rust form, but 1.5 years isn't long for a paintjob!! 8)

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