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I cant seem to get an answer on the other board, so I will try here.


I really need new plug wires for my 1995 3100. Lately my engine has been missing and backfiring while driving. It got pretty bad today, to the point where the car was bucking all the way up the hills on the highway. It started getting worse the other day when I pulled all the wires off the coil packs. 3 of the terminals were pretty rusty, 2 were covered in black charcoal stuff, and one was clean. I sanded the bad ones, but the black ones got charred again in a day.


Today I went to a lot to play with them because sometimes it helps. When I started it up, it was basically running on 4 cyl with the other 2 kicking in every so often. It kept backfiring real loud too. I drove to my friends house on 4 cyl how embarrasing. I went inside and when I came out later it ran great, barely any missing.


So my main question is, I found a link in another post to get magnecor wires.




Will these work on a 95, even though it says 1996? Also they have another set.




Has anyone bought from that site? Also, would AC Delco wires be worth the same price? I hear the connectors are worse than the magnecors. What about a cheap $20 set from autozone? I only plan on getting Autolite or Delco Copper pulgs.


AC Delco wires are all you will ever need, Period. The connectors are absolutly fine. Its just people that dont know how to take the wires off the plugs that break them.

Guest TurboSedan

i won't buy AC Delco wires ever again. i broke one wire the first time i pulled it off the plug and yes i remove them correctly. waste of $55. Magnecor's were $20 more but well worth it. i bought mine from Ultrarev's ebay store.


The delcos will cost me the same as the magnecors, so Id rather get the magnecors. However, which one of the links I posted, if either, is the right one? Also, is there any other online stores besides ebay that sell magnecor for the 3100?

Guest TurboSedan

you can buy them from directly from Ultrarev - i just went through their ebay store since it was convenient.






Magnecor Ignition Cable Sets CHEVROLET 1995-1994 3.1 engine, Beretta, Cavalier, Corsica, Lumina, (except Lumina APV/Minivan) 6 CYLINDER Application: 7mm

Part# 6732



Magnecor Ignition Cable Sets CHEVROLET 1995-1994 3.1 engine, Beretta, Cavalier, Corsica, Lumina, (except Lumina APV/Minivan) 6 CYLINDER Application: 8.5mm

Part# 6532



Magnecor Ignition Cable Sets CHEVROLET 1995-1994 3.1 engine, Beretta, Cavalier, Corsica, Lumina, (except Lumina APV/Minivan) 6 CYLINDER Application: 8mm

Part# 6032






The 8mm are $66, not $40. I think apex would be worth a try to save that much money.


Also, on the stock wires, there are these little black plastic brackets that hold 3 wires together across the top of the UIM. Does anyone know how to open them up to get the wires out, without breaking the brackets? Also, is it necessary to use them with the new wires? What about that black plastic insulator tube thing that is split?


Also, on the stock wires, there are these little black plastic brackets that hold 3 wires together across the top of the UIM. Does anyone know how to open them up to get the wires out, without breaking the brackets? Also, is it necessary to use them with the new wires? What about that black plastic insulator tube thing that is split?


There should be a little tab on the side, just press it in with a small screw driver.


Alright, thanks. So if I get the magnecor wires, should i get the oned for the 1994-1995 or the 1996-onward. I thought that the 1995 3100 at least had the same wires as the 1996 ones.


If you have a '95, I see no reason why you shouldn't get the ones that are for your year. Remember, '96+ cars have OBD II.


went to autozone today, they had duralast and bosch. Bosch is crap on a pushrod motor I heard. But what about duralast for $28?


went to autozone today, they had duralast and bosch. Bosch is crap on a pushrod motor I heard. But what about duralast for $28?


I got the bosch premium wires, it runs great. How would the engine type make a difference for wires?


I had used the duralast wires for my sis's old cutlass. For a 1 time thing, they work good.


went to autozone today, they had duralast and bosch. Bosch is crap on a pushrod motor I heard. But what about duralast for $28?


I can't speak for the wires, but there have been numerous complaints here about how bad Bosch plugs are in our cars.


I ran Bosch wires in my old lumina. But, with that said, I hate Bosch. It just sucks since all the parts stores carry there stuff.




im running bosch wires in my car for a few years now and no prolems

Guest TurboSedan

The 8mm are $66, not $40. I think apex would be worth a try to save that much money.




their site says 39.94 for 8mm wires...i just copied/pasted from their site. did they change the price or something?


Ok I changed my plugs and wires. I decided to go get wires from a parts store, so I got some Autolite Professional Series wires. They look pretty good quality, but some of the lengths are a little too long. I also messed one up because I accidentally put one on the wrong plug, and then it wouldnt twist off. I twisted, pulled, and pulled really hard, and pulled the boot right off the little thing that clips on the plug! So I sild the boot back down and it seems to run fine now.


I also put in new AC Delco copper plugs and gapped them at .055. Runs alot better now but still no extra torque or top end like I would have expected from the magnecors. Also, when I was taking the old plugs out, the back center one was already finger loose for me :eek:


I ordered 8.5mm MSD Superconductor wires off Summit racing for $67.38 shipped. It listed them on their website for my 1994 Olds Cutlass, and the box said 94-95 Pontiac Grand Am, lol. They fit perfect and look great. The part number is MSD-32569.


Ok I changed my plugs and wires. I decided to go get wires from a parts store, so I got some Autolite Professional Series wires. They look pretty good quality, but some of the lengths are a little too long. I also messed one up because I accidentally put one on the wrong plug, and then it wouldnt twist off. I twisted, pulled, and pulled really hard, and pulled the boot right off the little thing that clips on the plug! So I sild the boot back down and it seems to run fine now.


I also put in new AC Delco copper plugs and gapped them at .055. Runs alot better now but still no extra torque or top end like I would have expected from the magnecors. Also, when I was taking the old plugs out, the back center one was already finger loose for me :eek:


You shouldn't have had to gap the plugs...but yeah my Autolite wires did that too. Just take that wire back to the store, because I guarantee you it isn't gonna work long. Mine held up for a little while, but then it started running like shit...


My Autolites are too long too, but oh well. Dont have 50+ bucks to stick into wires that do nothing more than look pretty on a stock 3100. :smile:

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