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The new line of ROckford Amps

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Just wonderin what everyone thinks of the new line of Rockford amps, or Rockford amps in general.. For the Lumi, I am lookin at my audio setup and piecing it together slowly, and I know the RF amps were decent, but Im not sure if what I've learned of them is correct, or not.. Throw down your opinions here guys.. Here's a link at Best Buy's website:


Best Buy link


THis is just a mono 1800w amp, but the whole line looks like that.. Sleek, black, and real good lookin..


Honestly in my expierience Rockford was very good quality up until 2004 then their lower end lines were a little iffy. But their high power amps have always been of good quality even back then. But then again you can find just as good of quality for less money.


600 watts rms @ 2 ohm for $499......eeeekkkk!


You can pick up a eD Nine.1 which will do 900+ rms for $350.



But I am biased.....


I've had a Rockford Amps and Subs before and that will be the last!!! I hated them cause they are wayyy overpriced and there is better stuff out there. When I do my audio system, I'm definitely going with Solar Baric subs and prolly a Phoenix Gold amp.

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