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WTF did you do about the stock speakers?!?! Right now I got my comps up and running, and the front 4" speakers just cancel them out. I cant hear anything from the tweeter at all, and the midrange woofer I can barely hear anything from that as well. Ive adjusted the gain so that I can hear the comps a little better. I still want to mess with some of the settings a little bit but do you think I just need to break down, pull the dash pad and take out the 4" speakers? I mean I know Im hurting the SQ by keeping those in there, since Ill never get it perfect with those there. I know before I was trying to convert the one RCA that I have into the two by using splitters so that I can both A/B and C/D channels, but something was a miss and it was very quiet. so long story short, do they absolutly need to go?


I mean Im interested to hear what your settings are if you still have the factory speakers with the comp set. I think Ill end up cutting wires since I dont have the front speakers grilles... Any imput?


I have never had a problem with the speakers being indistinguishable from each other. When I originally hav my components installed I was running my dash coaxials off of deck power. After a while I didnt even notice them anymore so I disabled the internal amplifier inside my head unit. By doing so I increased the voltage of my preouts slightly thus making it sound a little bit better.


The one issue I did have is......I decided to keep my 4 channel amp running off of the rear preouts only. So I used two splitters behind the headunit and ran 4 rca's to the amp. I managed to get a couple of them crossed, so that when I alterd the balance.....it had no effect on the components at all.


The one thing I am seriously considering in buying a second tweeter(image inhancement Kit) and installing it where the 4" speakers are. Because the eDI crossovers have the ability to add one. But its a very low priority right now.


I just opened another thread with a vid of my mids in action.....check it out.


I think I can relate.... my Infinity components aren't nearly as loud as my factory speakers were.. I'm going to switch it from headunit power to the amp I currently have running the rear speakers (have have the rears run off the headunit, since I don't want them as loud anyways).


If you want LOTS OF TWEETER, by Infinity! :lol: I have mine wired up to -3dB terminal on the crossover and it's still kinda loud on the high side at times...


I would get rid of the 4" speakers, maybe mount the tweeters in that spot with them angled properly.






Yikes!! Get rid of those 4" ASAP! your runining your soundstage with those still hooked up, no wonder it soudns like crap! Do you have your comps amped?


I have Mempis M-Class 5 1/4" Componants and 1 1/4" Tweeters in the doors. Memphis Pro 6x9s in the rear.

Do you have the crossover hooked up right? And does it aslo have gains or adjustments on it? Mine sounds awesome you can hear everything clear as a bell. Highs Lows and mids. I have a New Pioneer head unit and 2 12" RF Power Subs. I only have 1 480w RF amp to power the subs. That is where all my bass comes from My crossovers are set to control the mid and treble. I put an amp on my Comps once and it makes it harder to control the SQ. So I just run it with the Stereo.


If I were you I would take out the stock speakers and mess with the Crossovers more until you get the quality you want.


Everything is wired up right. Myself and the DMM prove it. :lol: I had no way or turning off the factory amp from my HU and compared to the comp set, those 4" didnt quite sound very good. I ended up taking them out, after a long time of trying to make everything work. Sounds much better, but I think I might know where the problem lies. I mean if I crank it up, they get really loud, but on my crossover I think its set on like +3dB. Theres three settings on it, ( Puggsley you can relate to this ) -3dB, 0dB, +3dB. Im thinking maybe if I messed with that it would get better?



I tried putting those RCA splitters in so I can run the A/B and C/D channel, but it just didnt seem to be as loud. So I went back to just the A/B channel. I mean I can try that again to maybe see if I put the wrong RCA in the wrong spot ( but after a while taking out that backseat gets to be a pain ) I ran the splitters right before the amp, not right after the HU, although I dont think this would make very much difference would it?


No the placement of the splitters dont really mater. Its just of looks on my part.


But those settings on the crossover are for tweeter atenuation.....they are designed to make the tweeter more flexable in its ability to blend with the rest of the system. unfortunetally its a matter of personal taste. I believe mine are set at 0db. Be sure to chenck your wire phases as well. I had that problem when I first hooked mine up. Some people actually recommend swithing phases on the tweeters. They say that it sounds better. But i have yet to see this in my expierience.


You are definetally going to want to bridge the amplifier to give them more power. Or at least I would.


If all else fails....try posting this on ICIX......and see what other ed users have to say.


All the phases are where there suppose to be. Ill try bridging the amp with the RCA y-adapters and see what happens. Maybe I just had em mixed up before Im not sure.



Im not sure how much power their getting now, but when bridged Im guessing its going to be much more.


If all else fails....try posting this on ICIX......and see what other ed users have to say.


Ive reached that point.


nvm I got it, with a little help from the ICIX guys.


It was such a simple thing too. Really makes me feel stupid when that kinda stuff happens :lol:


nvm I got it, with a little help from the ICIX guys.


It was such a simple thing too. Really makes me feel stupid when that kinda stuff happens :lol:

I read through the ICIX post.......so was it the bridging that gave you the issues? Or the way you had the rca's ran/split?


The way I had the RCA's ran/split was the problem. I had everything wired up correctly.


well what did they tell you share it please ?


When bridging on the nine.4 with 6500s. A+/B- goes to the left speaker and C+/D- goes to right side. There shouldn't be any other speakers connected. Also, if you're going to bridge, you don't need wire splitters as the 2 channel will do the job. Left goes to input A and right goes to input C

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