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Anyone Used the B&M Shift improver?

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Has anyone used the 70383 model of this that is supposed to be for the 4T60-E? My car rips off the 1-2 shift pretty good most of the time, but I think it could still use some help. If it really makes a difference, I'll definately order one. Seems kinda nice that you can go back to stock performance if you'd like to.




Seems like it works the same way as an adjustable vacuum modulator would, just that you can control this while you are driving. I say go for it. All it really does it limit the vacuum going to the modulator so that it shifts firmer.


DONT GET IT!!!! god, i....this should be a sticky that says "B&M shift improver is worthless and stupid don't buy it unless you want to piss away $$$"


if you want to "improve" your shifts via vacuum....open the hood, remove the vacuum line from the intake to the top of the transmission and then plug the holes. there, vacuum modulation is gone...exactly what the B&M unit does...even still...you dont notice a damn thing.


if you want a real kit, get the Transgo shift kit and modify your transmission's channel plate/valve body assembly.

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