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taking out the backseat of lumina z-34


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Look below the front of the lower cushion, where it meets the floorboard. There should be two 10 or 12 mm bolts holding the lover cushion in. Pull it forward/up to get it out. You shouldn't have to, but to get the seatback out, take the two nuts off at the bottom, which were covered by the lower cushion, and pull the seatback straight up to take it off the "hooks" behind it.


[edit] are you ditching the BOSE amp? Want to get rid of it?

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Towards the front of the car (underneath the seat cushin) there will be two bolts; 13mm in size if I remember right. Unbolt those and pull the lower foam out. Next find the two 11mm nuts for the top part and unbolt those... then push up on the cushin to release and pull out of vehicle. Have pictures if needed; that's what was done to get my back seat of of my Cutlass, should be the same for you. GM uses the same bolt patterns for the same frame... gotta love it! :D


EDIT - NOHC, you're quick... darnit!


- RedFox340

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Ah, I remember backseat removal well. I took that interior out for Shane, and did it TOO many times on my GTP, seeing as I had to upgrade power wire three times, finally down to "0" guage wire for the RF 1000 and the Atomik DVC 12's :mrgreen:

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