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95 cutty signals and auto locks

joey b

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Yesterday I noticed my turn signals failed to blink. And then they DID blink. Now they don't again and haven't for about 200 miles now. Also today my doors did not automatically lock. Where should I look. BTW, I did not have a chance to check ANYTHING yet, including fuses and relays.


When I turn my turn signals on, my rear goes blank and my front stays lit.

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The turn signal problem happened to me, and turns out it was a bad ground. I didnt feel like chasing the ground so I just re-grounded it, and has been working fine ever since.

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How are your brake lights? When you step on the pedal, is the high-mount stoplight the only light that lights up? If so, you can bet your left nut that the signal switch is shot.


But getting back to the "no signals," check the flasher and all of the lamps before you even think about replacing the signal switch. If you've replaced the flasher and lamps front and rear and the signals still don't work, proceed to:


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  • 6 months later...

19cutlass94, more details please. I replaced flasher and most of the time the signal works. For some reason it also appears that when the signal does not work and I press the brake, they start to flash.

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The problem I was having was that when the lights where turned on, the corner light would be very dim. To the point where you didnt know it was on. When I when to turn left, and put the left turn signal on, it wouldnt blink, nothing. I got the DMM out and turned out it was a bad ground that was causing this. It was basically the same situation as you, except I didnt have the automatic door locking problem. I traced the bad ground to P106 ( I believe this is where it was but dont quote me ) anyways its the gromet going into the passengers side door, below the dash. So what I did was I left that ground hooked up, but just spliced it to I could re-ground it to get a better connection, then problem was solved.

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So if im understanding you: Your turn signals work only when you push the brake? If that is the case id get the turn signal swicth replaced. I had the same problem that DiscoStudd mentioned. BUt that only affected the brake lights. It is also possible that the brake light switch is affecting something. Since thay all run together.

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Not hard to replace that switch either...unless then you have an air bag then maybe it is..on my Lumina it was pie to replace

Ya same here. But i dont have an airbag. It would most likely be alot harder with an airbag.

But wait if its not locking the doors then i cant be a switch. Unless you have a blown fuse. Mynext guess. :dunno:

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