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Finally happened..


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The alternator in the Cutlass decided to commit suicide this morning. I got in to warm the car up a bit, and when I started it, I noticed a louder/deeper than usual whine, and I seen the digital voltage readout on the radar detector showed '11.9 V'.

It's not 100% dead yet, but I'm not about to drive around with a reading that low. I might be selling the sammy to a friend that's in need of transportation, so she'll be back running soon. I decided that I'm going to try replacing it myself.

My gut feeling is to go with a Delco alt for replacement, has anyone had any luck with any aftermarket brands? How much do the Delco alts cost? (I've never priced them) Don't want something that'll last me 1000 miles before crapping out on me.

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I bought a rebuilt one, and it broke 30 minutes after I got it. Hit 4K rpms merging on a highway, heard a crack from the motor and the voltage light came on immediately



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I've had starters, alternators, all kinds of things rebuilt never had any problems. Guess it depends on the shop. All they really do is replace bearings and brushes.



William Grimmer

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yeah I know what they do to them, I guess, like you said, its all relative. So, I dont like buying rebuilt anything now. Oh well, Its just a matter of luck I guess



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Hey There is nothing wrong with being cheap sometimes :) :)


Hell no theres not!! If I wasnt cheap I wouldnt be able to afford stuff for my car this summer



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I've looked at the instructions on 60degreev6.com and I feel pretty confident I can do it, it's just not an easy job I'm sure.

On top of all of this, I also found out last night that the owners of the duplex I'm living in, have decided to sell the house. Soo now I'm back to apartment searching again.. :|

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yeah thats messed up! you may want to start looking at single family. the interest rates are extremely low. I got in at 5.1%. plus there is always someone who absolutely must get rid of there house so they have to take a $$$ decrease on there house. I got my home for $11K cheaper than the average house's in the neighborhood. I know everyone is not ready but WILL YOU EVER BE?? What woke me up is when I was watching a movie and some guy said "living in an apt is like flushing your $$ down the toilet". I was paying between $670 96' ---->$870 02'. If you do take an average of $650 mo+700mo+$870mo = 2220 /3=$740 * 12mos =$8880 * 7yrs (me in that damned apt) =$62,160!!!! I must have been a damn fool :cry: !

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