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How do you keep mice out of a stored car?


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My GP got stuffed into an old machine shed in the middle of some woods on one of our farms back home. There are going to be mice all over I'm sure. Is there a way to prevent them from taking up habitat in the car and ruining everything? Its only gonna be there for a month or two, but that's plenty of time for them to do damage. The more precautions the better I guess.

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somehow manage to leave the car hovering but not touching anything in the shed... just floating there :lol:

that is gonna be tough to keep them off or out of the car they always seem to find a way in.

have a couple cats?

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somehow manage to leave the car hovering but not touching anything in the shed... just floating there :lol:

that is gonna be tough to keep them off or out of the car they always seem to find a way in.

have a couple cats?


I tried hovering it but it just ended up doing much more damage.


We've got cats, but this place is like 8 miles in the middle of nowhere, so unless I put some stray cats on leashes and tie them to various points around the shed, they'd just escape.

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every week throw a wheel of cheese into the neighbors yard, a good distance from the shed.....




i believe that you can just put DECON packets around the car (like end to end) :mrgreen:


then youll just find dried up mummified rodents :lol:

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My uncle tried metal jack stands, and it may have worked (didn't have any mice anyway).


High enough up that they couldn't get onto the tires, and there probably isn't enough surface area for them to crawl up the metal stands.



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You can use mouse traps, or like that becon thing I think they have it for mice, you can use those to kill em since there go for that first. But blocks wont do very much, and depending on what kinda of jackstands, that might help it may not.

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Holy, nobody has mentioned mothballs yet? Dryer sheets work well too, but I think mothballs are supposed to be the best for not leaving much of an odor.


that was what i was going to say. Mothballs are supposed to work well. Use a combination. Jack it up a bit, put some mothballs in it, get a nice cover and then lock some cats inside :willynilly: (oh yeah, and throw some cheese at the neighbors or whatever)

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Mothballs will riun the interior if that's where you intend to put them....trust me, it'll be impossible to get that smell out. Mice can't climb metal, so as long as the tires aren't touching there should be no problem. When I store my car I throw a box of Bounce sheets in, and mothballs all around the perimeter of the car, and on top of the tires and shit....never had a problem as of yet, however there is a god chance this shop I store it in doesn't have any mice (fairly new, nicely sealed)

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Mothballs, but leave the windows cracked. A ring of Decon, steelwool in the exhaust and intake.. that should be enough.


Do a search on ebay, I know there are a few websites out there.

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My dad always leaves the hood up when he stores his cars. The theory is that if they don't have a confinded space to burrow into and build a nest, versus having the hood closed. The fuckers like to eat wires.

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my grandma had a 76 firebird stored with mothballs. no mice, but man you could barely breathe in that thing. :eek: I think jack stands are your best bet and maybe mouse traps or poison around the tires and stands.

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Don't underestimate the power of jumping...mice are tricky...if they want in, they'll get it, jack stands or not. Best thing is to decon the building, not the car...immediately. Get them before they get to the car. Leave out a dish of water as this helps the process. Traps are great if you are around every now and then to change them. We're only talking a few months, so no need to go too crazy. Make sure the car is clean...no food stuffs or anything that mice could even think of liking. Don't lure them out with food away from the car...they'll just take the food and move it to your car...no good.

I would agree with the jack stands if they were tall and you took the wheels off the car. That can be a pain, especially if the floor is dirt. If you can check the car out weekly...look inside and stuff, you can judge to see if there are even any mice around. The local snake/cat population may have already fixed your problem.

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my grandma had a 76 firebird stored with mothballs. no mice, but man you could barely breathe in that thing. :eek: I think jack stands are your best bet and maybe mouse traps or poison around the tires and stands.


See the whole thing with putting the car on jackstands is the fact that you need to keep your suspension loaded. It is not a good thing to leave it "unloaded" it can cause damage to parts.

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my grandma had a 76 firebird stored with mothballs. no mice, but man you could barely breathe in that thing. :eek: I think jack stands are your best bet and maybe mouse traps or poison around the tires and stands.


See the whole thing with putting the car on jackstands is the fact that you need to keep your suspension loaded. It is not a good thing to leave it "unloaded" it can cause damage to parts.


You could put the jack stands under the control arms, and knuckles, rather than the frame.....That would leave the weight of the car on the suspension.

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