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Need some SERIOUS HELP with my TURBO!


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I have a 1990 Turbo Grand Prix, a couple of moths ago it stared to smoke. I emailed a couple of people on this site and they could be two things, oil return line, or the seals in the turbo. I changed the oil return line, which was bad but it still smoked. So I took off the turbo and shipped it out to Turbo Nodics or cheapturbo.com. I spoke with Ken, and he told me there was nothing they could do with my turbo. So my SERIOUS question is…where can I buy another turbo that will not break me. I know there was a couple of people that bought one on here that set them back about $1000.00, which is not too bad. But I’m not really good with knowing what type/kind of turbo I could get. I would like to find one that I do not have to mess around with to make it work. I want to get it and bolt it on and go. Or, have one a little bit bigger then stock :biggrin:. Hopefully someone has some good useful information for me, I look forward to hearing from you.



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i just bought my tgp,but with my turbo buicks ,if you wanted to remain factory and save some mula,you can buy just a turbo CENTER and rebuild turbo yourself....i could get buick centers for $200-300,anyone here know where to buy?if you want to upgrade the masterminds here will point you in the right direction.

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The only time NOTHING can be done with a turbo is if the compressor wheel housing is cracked/split or the turbine housing is cracked/split. Even then you can replace just those housings. Everything else is replaceable. The center cartridge is rebuildable/replaceable, the compressor wheel, the turbine fan...EVERYTHING IS REPLACEABLE!


GET IT BACK FROM THEM! Get with Invasion1 for the place he uses to build/rebuild his turbo's. :cool:

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I guess I have just never heard of a turbo being completely dead. :redface:


Maybe they meant it would be cheaper to replace then repair all that is wrong with it.


I don't know...maybe I need to start rebuilding turbos for people also? :confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Guys, thanks for trying to help me out with my turbo problem. Yes I did ship my turbo out to cheapturbo.com in Glendale AZ. I had to pay for shipping then it took me 3 weeks to get into contact with them, seemed like I called and got not return call. Finally after several phone calls, they looked it over (I paid for shipping) then took them another 2 weeks for us to connect again, and that is when he told me he could not rebuild it. It’s been 2 weeks and I just got it back on Tuesday :rolleyes: and it looked like it had not been touched. :confused: I think he just did not want to do it, he said that if he took the casing apart he would have broke it. Not sure why, I paid him $31 bucks and am no further ahead then I was before. So now my plan is,,,,any ideas????

I’m going to put another request out on the board to see if any body else can give me some idea, the more the better for me. Nothing against these guys, I just don’t think they wanted to do it, just wish I knew before I sent it out, this is just my luck. Thanks and hope to hear from someone with some good ideas. :willynilly:


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since turbo is "in bad shape"go ahead and take it apart and inspect yourself,youre not gonna hurt it,and youll learn something in the proccess.....if it falls apart,he was truthfull,if not order a center and fix it yourself and save$$$$$$$mark turbo sections so you can reasseble correctlly...where can he find a new center guys?

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