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My Regal's "system"

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Well, I figured I'd finally get around to uploading some pictures of what I've got in the Regal. I was cleaning out the trunk today and I thought it'd be a great opportunity to snap some pictures of the subs and amp. It's nothing way too flashy, just some old school Kicker stuff.


Amp: Kicker ZR240. Rated at 360w bridged. People have seen them put out over 450w in real-world applications.

Subs: 2 12" Kicker XPL subs. Great subs. Too bad they're in the shittiest box ever designed.


The amp:



The emptiest I've ever seen my trunk:



The subs in their terrible box:



"Street trim":



Headunit, complete with tape that's been jammed in there for 4 years (according to the previous owner):



The remote gain knob that's hidden away in the front console:



I know it's not anything way too flashy. Any opinions?


Nice and clean....looks great....I need to clean out my trunk...full of shit that I've seemed to have collected over the 2 years I've owned the car


God bless the kicker ZR amps. I ran a zr120 for a while.......very nice......very nice indeed. :biggrin:


But fair warning.....mounting your amp like that isnt a good idea. It cant dicipate heat properly when inverted. Thats what killed my ZR120


ZR series FTW!


god I love those amps!


I had a ZR240 and a ZR360 and since then I'll only buy Kicker amps


Had some XPLs back in the day...the leads broke off where they go into the cone...seems to be common w/ Kicker subs since i got some newer Comps that did the same thing. Then I discovered JL Audio subs...[br]Posted on: April 27, 2006, 10:17:38 PM_________________________________________________

phone chord?


For the remote gain control


Thanks for the heads-up on the overheating issue. I'll find another place to mount it.


I've never heard any JL audio subs. I've heard Memphis Audio, Boston Acoustics, Alpine, and Eclipse ones though. Next time I stop by the local audio shop, I'll give them a listen.


And yep, the phone cord is for the gain control.


(I do like my amp, except for the fact that it has absolutely no control. The only adjustment on it is the gain.)


you using a line converter for the low level lead to the subs? or did you luck out and have a deck with rca's on it?



I wasn't saying you had to hear JL subs...there's plenty of other good brands...I've just personally had the best luck with JL Audio...but I don't like pushing my brand preferences on people


And as for the amp...find a SWX crossover module for it....let's you set the lowpass frequency...but you'd lose your remote gain


you using a line converter for the low level lead to the subs? or did you luck out and have a deck with rca's on it?


I'm guessing it's a low-level converter since none of the factory headunits ever had RCA outs. However, they run all the way from the headunit (from what I can tell) rather than being split right at the rear speakers.


And thanks for that, Matt. I'm not sure if I really want to lose that remote gain feature.. I use it every day. It doesn't sound bad the way it is, I just wanted more control.


some of the newer HU are coming with RCA's from what i have heard. i have never took mine out to check that whay i have a LLC in a box with an amp and a sub at my parents place should i decide to add a sub to my stereo



mmm, looks nice. Im liking my jl alright, although i only got it because my brother gave me a good deal (12" jl (w7 i think), q logic box, kenwood 600w amp, all for 100$)


I had my Clarion installed upside down like that for almost a year with no trouble....I guess it didn't power much though, just the 4 interior speakers....it's since been removed and being installed in my RX-7 this weekend...the area I have in mind will have NO ventalation once installed, so I'm installing two cpu fans to blow air along the heat sinks lol....I doubt it'll overheat though, when my Clarion was in my Lumina it never even got warm...



Again though, very nice install....

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