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Tonight, I drove to my girlfriends house, teh car started no problems...

I was inside for maybe 15 minutes, i go out to leave and the starter just clicked once, and the car wont start. All the gages are powering up fine and all....

Umm, for you that aren't aquainted with the recent history of my car, look for the post "Am I allowed to hate my car?"


but, long stry short.... All i get is one click form teh starter, no go...


damn, i will bitch about the car in another post... later

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If your headlights come on, and everything, I would say, starter solenoid. If the lights and gauges have flutter, and the headlights, dim a lot, battery



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If your headlights come on, and everything, I would say, starter solenoid. If the lights and gauges have flutter, and the headlights, dim a lot, battery


I'm with Robby too, sounds like the starter is on it's last leg... If you're still having problem starting, try giving the starter base a good WHACK with a hammer or piece of rebarb or something... the solenoid could be held up in the position where the magnetic field (when currect goes through the starter motor) so that it doesn't rotate and fire the engine. Best of luck...


- RedFox340

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when you changed the starter, did you change the solenoid too, or just the starter? It sounds like the solenoid to me. But, Im with RedFox340, whack that starter a couple of times, to show it who's boss



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It actually could be your battery too :)


I just had this happen. Lights would be fine, but starter would just click.


Ended up that the pos. terminal on my battery was falling off. That and I gave the starter a few wacks



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i remember having to wack the starter on my 88 celebrity a few times til i got the cash to get a new one. it has the 2.8 in it. well i did not get a new one but it was new to me. got it from a yard for like 50 bux.


so yes

go ahead and wack it. :D



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