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leaky trunk culprit possibly found


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i was going to seal the nuts that hold my tail lighs in with silicone to stop a trunk leak, and I found something interesting. Unfortunately, my car is rusting bad inside where the end of the quarter panel curves around the back. Inside there, is a seam that sticks up like a fin that has that factory sealer gooped on it. Well i peeled some of it off to see more rust, and when I did, there happened to be a hole where three panel come together. Not a rust hole, it was there from the factory. I could see considerable light through it and it had a rust stain that showed that it was dripping down. so I took some of my silicone and tried sealing it up. we will see how well it works next time it rains.


This is on my Lumina and i am unsure how it might work on a GP, cutty or regal. I hope this sheds some light on this VERY annoying subject.



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when i got my car it leaked BAD on the drivers side where the wheel well and quater pannel met, and i put a mess of silicone in the seam and it has held up great for a long time now.

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well it's raining tonite, so it should be a good tet to see if it is fixed[br]Posted on: April 30, 2006, 09:51:03 PM_________________________________________________I looked in the trrunk this morning and one side is dry and one is wet. I'm gonna double check the left side to see if i missed something, but the right side worked.

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well it's been raining for about 2 days and i looked in my trunk and it's all wet still. I think since i have so much rust around that area inside, that it does no good to block the one hole. It will find it's way in however it can. The only way i think that I can really fix the leak, is to fix the rust first.

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