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So there is a '95 Cutlass Supreme at the local J/Y with premium audio...

And in my driveway is a '96 Cutlass Supreme with regular audio...

You see what's going on here? :lol:


So I'm wondering what all I need to get... From what I've heard the rear speakers are the same with regular and premium audio... The speakers in the doors are also the same, except for the tweeters, correct??


And there is a amp under the dash somewhere, silver from what I understand, right??


The car doesn't have a stereo in it anymore though, so I don't know how that amp is hooked up under there... I'll have to go look at it one day when I have time again.


How is that amp hooked up back there? Does it need it's own complicated wiring under the dash to get power, or does it just connect to the radio and get power from there? I don't know how that works, so could some of you audio gurus please help me out here??


What all will I have to change to get the Premium audio hooked in my car? From what I understand the amp is the biggest difference, is this right? Thanks ahead of time, I know someone will make me feel like an idiot with a reply that makes it all sound so easy. :lol: :thumb:


I dunno if it's the same as GPs.... if it is I'd have to say WHY THE FUCK would you want it???? LOL


Go aftermarket forget that junk.


Lets say I'm a stubborn idiot, and I don't wanna go aftermarket... :lol:

What are you talking about for aftermaket anyways, the amp, or you mean the whole works?


You need the door tweeters, as you already know. You'll also need the rear speakers, since the premium ones are dual voice coil. The door speakers are different too, IIRC.


I dont know where the hell the amp is, but you'll need it, and you'll need to run a second set of wires to the second voice coils of the rear speakers.


I second the notion to go aftermarket. It would take many hours of work to get everything funtional. And all you'll be left with is 10+ year old Delco speakers that are ready to die, and a 20w amp. Dont get me wrong, it is a decent sounding setup...just not worth the work IMO.


The premium audio system pretty much backs you into a corner when it comes to upgrading too, because DVC 6X9s simply dont exist outside of the Delco realm.


Well, poo... :lol: Would the tweeters do anything without that delco amp? And if I was to get a aftermarket amp, would I notice any kind of a difference without getting new speakers right away?? If I did get a new amp, how would that hook up? How many watts are the factory GM speakers? Would I need a lot of wiring to get a new amp going?


You would notice a HUGE difference having aftermarket deck+speakers over the shitty premium factory stereo. I hardly consider it decent sounding by today's standards. I though the premium sound in my 88 GP was better than the SHIT in my 95 GP....[br]Posted on: April 22, 2006, 01:07:10 AM_________________________________________________Heres a wiring diagram pic I took...




Well, I have a Kenwood KDC-MP4028 HU I bought when I got the car... I'm happy with that thing... What kind of speakers would I need if I wanted to upgrade the factory ones. What's all that 3-way stuff about, how many watt speakers will I need?? At least the rear ones for now... I don't plan on getting subs, I'd just like some better speakers... Would the amp even do much for me if I don't get subs?


my cutlass had that "premium sound" thing it wasnt all that great, i changed my HU and the rear speakers. the fronts are still orginal, and so are the tweeters.


So i agree with the go aftermarket advice!


Like I said, lets say I decide to go with aftermarket speakers... Would a amp do much for me? I don't plan on getting subs too.

Should I bother getting an amp and hooking it up, or just replace the rear speakers?


If you are just gonna buy like Pioneer co-ax speakers or something, don't bother to buy an amp. Your average speaker will be adequatly powered by the headunit. If you plan on spending some money on components for the front, amp them cause they need more power. Don't bother amping the rear speakers.


Sounds good to me. How many watt speakers should I get for the rear, I don't wanna downgrade though, what kind of speakers should I be looking at?


Go to an audio store and listen to some. Basically, the more you spend the better sound you are gonna get. If I told you to get some $50 Pioneers that would be useless advice, cause you may or may not like them....


Fair enough... Not sure if there is a place in town where I can listen to them before I buy them, but I'll go look around, and see how the prices are, and so forth.


One last question, what size are the factory front speakers in a Cutlass? 5.25??


the "premium" system in my '97 cutty wasn't very "premium", IMHO.....like everyone else said, just go aftermarket


Roger that. I just figured I'd like to get a cheap upgrade, since everything was still in that car. But appearently, I'm gonna end up getting just the door panels, so I have a place to put the tweeters in, and I'll go with some aftermarket speakers. Thanks for all your help guys. I'll start another thread when if I need more help later on. Thanks again :thumb:


Where are the tweeters mounted in those door panels?


Why not just use the ones you have and put the woofer in the stock location, and mount the tweeter up higher on the door (flush mount like mine) or put it on the a-pillar.


See up by the side mirror...



Well hey atleast he has new door panels to put his component set in, I have to cut mine, and make it look good...


Well I don't have a spot for the tweeters yet, but I'll get those panels from the J/Y.

I checked out one place today during my lunch break... I'm not sure what brand to even go with... I looked around, and I was told Infinity is probably the best stuff they have, but pricy. One step down was something like MTX if I remember the order the letters were in, and another step down would be Pioneer speakers... I really have no clue what brand to go with, so I got some looking around to do, and see how the prices are locally, and then I'll check out some online places, maybe I can get a better deal.


For component set, heres two very good choices for you. Ive never heard one bad thing about them.


( I just ordered the 6500's + Nine.4 package deal )




Though there for SQ ( which I think your looking for ) cant beat the price and what you get for them!


I really liked the Alpine components, but they only have them in 6.5 which didn't fit in my door.


My Infinitys sound great but I'm not sure if I'd recommend them (for the price).... especially if you are gonna put in 6.5s anyways cause there is much more out there.


I'm not sure if I'm putting in 6.5's or no... I'm not sure what will actually fit in there without any modifications... Is there a very big difference between 6.5's and 5.25??


All I know is Alpine and Rockford Fosgate don't make any 5.25 (that I'm aware of). 6.5s are gonna have more bass, but I got nice rear speakers and a sub so it's not a huge deal for me..


youll deff be able to hear a difference between 5.25 and 6.5. I believe 6.5 are a better choice. They will be louder, and are a midbass. Since theres 3 types of music, mids highs and lows. Subwoofers for lows ( about 50Hz and below ) Midrange ( about 50Hz to 20kHz ) and Highs above both of the others.


yes they will have more bass, but its not a sub type bass, its mid range. Something that normal speakers done pick up very good.


Fair enough... Not sure if there is a place in town where I can listen to them before I buy them, but I'll go look around, and see how the prices are, and so forth.


One last question, what size are the factory front speakers in a Cutlass? 5.25??


Go to Visions, Audio Expressions by Audio Warehouse, A & B Sound, I think there's a new store on 8th that I haven't been in as well......as well there are other stores, but I've bought from the above three (mostly from A & B sound though.......I'd say go there first.....they will blast the shit out of whatever speakers you want to listen to...


EDITL Also Krazy Kiley's Audio Tronic is decent too....you can get some good deals from them too however their reputation with me is pretty shitty....bad customer service imo


good luck

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