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6.5s In 96 GP

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I just bought a 96 GP SE 2 door. I want to know if I am going to be able to fit my 6.5" comp set in the doors or not. The stock speakers are 5.25 (with a seperate tweeter it appears). Is there some sort of adaptor kit to fit 6.5s in there, or will I need to make something or cut bigger holes in the doors?


EDIT:ignore me...i thought the GP interior was the same as the cutlass/regal...not sure if u can do it or not...


Yeah it would be pretty difficult to mount larger speakers in that small location without screwing up the stock look. that's why I just said fuck it and bought Infinity 5010C components to fit in the stock bracket.


Heres a pic I flush-mounted the tweeters on the doors, if you have a swivel bracket for the tweeters you may like to put them where the stock tweeter is (I didn't want to cut a hole in mine).



Im not worried about keeping it looking stock, just as long as i can get the speakers in there without it looking like crap. I dont want to downgrade to a 5.25" comp set. Is there any place they sell these brackets or will I need to mae them myself?


oh shit...i may have gave u wrong info...i thought the gp interior was the same as the cutlass/regal...sorry bout that...


Well looking at CBAD's picture, it looks like you could fit 6.5" comps is there I mean if the current is 5.25" it looks like theres room to just cut the opening and maybe put some MDF rings or somthing to help with the support.


Going by what I remember about my old 95 GP coupe, there is no way you'll fit a 6.5 speaker in the stock speaker buckets. You'll either have to fab up a larger bucket (and fab up a larger grille) or mount the speakers where they're located on the Regal and Cutlass (in the front lower corner of the door.) The Regal and Cutlass, btw, do not need the large "bucket" to push the speaker magnet away from the window, and therefore a simple plate can be made to accomodate a 6.5 speaker...


Yeah there really isn't room in there for 6.5. With the 5.25", the magnet was touching the door, and there wasn't much room between the cone and the grill. You'd have to do some chopping and probably have to re-do the whole thing. I wish so bad that they had designed these cars with the speaker lower in the door, then it would be easy to modify it a bit for a larger size...


Im picking up the car tomorrow, and this week I will take one of the doors apart to see what I have to work with. I would do them in the bottom of the doors like I did with my 93 Lumina. But there is a large storage pocket there that is connected to the whole bottom of the door and the seatbelt housing. I wont be able to get a speaker in there without butchering the door a considerable amount. Its not easy to get 6.5s in the doors of GM cars (ever try a 91 Cav with roll windows?). I guess if worse comes to worse I can always do kick panels, although id rather not.


I put in 6.5 in my old 88 GP. It had 4x6 in there from the factory, so I cut away at them a little more, and put the Infinity grill overtop. It still looked hacked, but not TOO bad. It's a obviously a different door than the 94-96 though..


can't you swap a regal or cutlass door panel into the GP?...then you could use 6.5 components like i did!


Possibly, but looking at where the driver's door meets the dash makes me wonder if it would fit properly.


I've got tan interior... so I was kinda SOL as far as swapping door panels goes...


Possibly, but looking at where the driver's door meets the dash makes me wonder if it would fit properly.


I've got tan interior... so I was kinda SOL as far as swapping door panels goes...


what does the color of your interior have to do with it?...i have a tan inteior as well, looks like exaclty the same color...


I crammed 6x9s in the doors of a Nissan 240SX and kept the stock look


so anything is possible


The GP's have the absolutely wonderful GM "passive restraints" in the doors, that's why it'd be a bitch to mount Regal or Cutlass door panels...


Again, with the stock 5.25 brackets the back of the magnet on my Infinitys was almost against the metal of the door, so you're gonna have to make them stick out a bit more. I'm not sure if the grill on the door would hit the speaker or not.. would be a tight fit anyways.


Well I finally got the door panel off. I managed ot fit the 6.5 in the 5.25 braket. But im not sure if the spekaer is going to hit the grill or not, I cant tell with the door panel on, I guess I will have to wait untill I get my amp hooked up. If it is hitting the grill im just going to take it off and put soem carpet where it was. It also looks like im going to need ot screw the tweeter right ot the door since there is no factory tweeter or braket in there.


I dont believe mid range woofers have enough excursion to hit the grills. I mena the grills on mine are a good 3/8"+ away from the woofer. You shouldnt have any problems.


Wow I'd sure like to see how the 6.5s sit on the 5.25 brackets. You must have some long screws there....


I got the speakers in last weekend. Everything worked out great! I got the 6.5s to fit in the 5.25 brackets (with using long screws lol!) I broke off the plastic ring on the inside of the speaker grille that the stock speaker rests on to give the woofer more clearence. I also had to widen the tweeter holes a little bit and i had to bolt the tweets to the door cuz there was no factory tweeter (or bracket) in the car. The grilles rattled a little bit, but some slight tweeking of the LPF on the amp and the bass on the HU solved that problem. I only have one pic (of the 6.5 in the 5.25 bracket) i forgot to take any with the doors off. Ill post the one later. My next project will to build a sub box to fit the trunk cuz the one I built for my lumina doesnt fit :mad:


I'd love to see pics of this.


And I'll feel pissed off if I could have put in 6.5s in there!!!! Shit, I would have bought the Alpine-Rs or whatever instead of Infinity. With 5.25 there isn't much selection. :(

What brand did you buy anyways?


I have CDT speakers. It a small compnay, but they make real good stuff. Theres a guy on the sounddomain forums that sells them, he has a shop in Long Island. I was very happy when I got the amp hooked up and the speakers didnt hit the grilles, everything still looks stock to! I figured if I could fit 6.5s in my 93 Lumina I could fit them in the Grand prix...

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