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4 wheel alignment, part 2


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Im getting days away of my new tires being put on. At the same time, im going to need a 4 wheel alignment. I started calling places last night, and for the most part, its 60 or below.


MY question is, what should they do first. The one place I called yesterday said that they do the front end to the car, and then the rear end to the front.


My dad (who was a GM Master Tech for about 10 years), said that they should do the rear first (to the car) and the front to the rear. If they did it front first, it could possibly "crab walk".


So, whos first?



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I would think, doing the rears first would be the way to go. But, why would you need a 4 wheel alignment? I Got new tires and just did the fronts. Its sorta hard for the rears to come out of alignment, unless you have hit something recently. Thats just my opinion though. You should rotate them enough to where if the rears are off a little, it wont hurt the tires



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yes..... get the 4-wheel..... that way yor car will not dog-track....


plus if your rerar end is out, it will wear your tires prematuraly just like if front end is out.....

Im a alightnment tech @ tires plus in madison WI, so I can vouch for how much better a 4 whell alighnment is rather than just a thrust angle (2 wheels)

and yes, they will do all wheels @ once, but yes the proper procedure is rear then front if that what yur asking....




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1) Its never been done before

2) Dad checked it out, and tires were wearing weird, and needed it




Okay, I would do it then too. I had my rears aligned when I changed pads on them like 2 years ago, and they are still in line.



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Now is rear first just for our cars? Caus I was asking another friend of mine (who is actually buds with my dad, back in the day). he said he had only heard of corvettes doing that. Could that be because we have a suspension like them?


Yes, the tires in the rear have work weird and prematurely. I dont wanna throw a set at them, and it mess them up.



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Just called olds dealership here car was bought at....

106 for a 4 wheel, but all computerized.


The place down the street DOES do rear first, for all FWD. Someone gave me bad info yesterday



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no, you always do the rear of the carfirst because of how much it effects the geometry on the car suspension......

half of the time, if you adjust the rear.... it compleetly changes the front suspension values.......

hey, go to tires plus if your getting a 4 wheel alighnment, there $69.99....

rather than the $106.00 from the dealership....

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1) I have never heard of a Tires Plus down here in VA

2) Theres a place down the street, thats only 59.95, and more like a "down home" shop, rather than a coperate big one (like Merchants and TireAmerica, both with charged like 10 more, and you have to reserve)



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that works..... any ways, best or luck....


BTW, do you have a sterio in your trunk? if so how big... I just rememberd something about this to....

you may need adition parts called "Cam Bolts" to correct your rear camber due to wear and tear on the rear suspension, and a sterio will also cause the rear end to sagg, causing the camber to be off. so if the recomend em, dont be suprised, on 88-96 W-bodys, it very common to need those to correct the rear end....



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Nothing but stock stereo. And no sagging yet either.


I took it to Merchants since it was opewn today. Its like $52. They computer do it, and each are set to the orig. specs, and then tested



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Ok, back from Merchants - $59.02.


Front was WAY off, it was to be like b/t .20and -.20, well, it was like -.31. Rear was missaligned too.


Driving car, the wheel is more straight now. You can drive hands free, and it will go in a straight line!


Car still seems sluggish since new tires. Probably caus it has tread now, that and the pressure is low (32PSI). WHile it sticks the the road like GLUE, it feels somewhat sluggish off the line. I used to do like 44PSI, These I think ill do something like 38-40



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I do alignments on these W-bodies and what I can tell you is that the best thing to do is a four wheel alignment. It makes the car drive alot better. Yes if that rear end is out even a half of a degree on toe or camber it will dog track! :) :) :)

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Well, it doesnt dog track at all.


When I droped it off, I asked if they did the rear first. He said they used to, but the machine they have now is all computerized, and everything is set to specs from the dealer.


He desc. it to me the same way the Olds dealer did it here, they would align all 4 to computers



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