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programming wire!?!


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I am trying to fix the kelyless entry for my 91 cutlass international and its says in the repair page that I can ground the programming wire in the trunk. Small problem... I have no clue which is the programming wire!


By the way I'm new to this group so I might as well introduce myself. I'm a student at University of Manitoba, Canada. (Yep... way up north... lol) I bought my 3.1L International last year and unfortunately have had nothing but problems since. (Over 1500 has been put into it already!) I thought since the weather is getting nicer here and the snow is melted I would start fixing all the small annoying things like my keyless entry.


Anyway, any info on this programming wire would be great, and does anyone know how to check to see if the transmitter is actually working?


Thanks in advance,


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Thanks for the warm welcome!!!


In the meantime I already found the answer to the programming wire but still have no ideas of how to check the functionality of the transmitter.

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I don't know anyone else who owns a w-body or any other cars with same keyless entry that I could test it on. I guess the easiest way would be to resolder the joints on the pcb of the reciever and hope that it fixes the problem!

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Guest Anonymous

Did you ground the programming wire yet? If not, ground it and see if the module in the car works. If the locks all cycle then hit a button on the remote. That would be an easy way to see if it works.


Are the batteries new? That would be something to check if the remote doesn't work.

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yes, already did the programming wire to ground -> Cycled. And the batteries are new in the remote and I cleaned the contacts. i even took a 6v power supply to the remote to make sure that the damn thing was getting power and that maybe those little spring terminals weren't connecting...still no luck. I read that the keyless entry module could still be f*cked even if it cycles so i might as well go ahead with that. I have a LOT of soldering experience so it should be an easy job.

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The soldering is easy, but stripping the clear crap off the PCB is time consuming if you have little patience.

Solder ALL of it if you can, not just the chips.


As for the remote... well, easiest way is to get ahold of another. They go cheap on Ebay. You'll want a spare remote anyway. If 2 out of 2 don't work, then chances are, it's the receiver module.

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Thanks for the warm welcome!!!


In the meantime I already found the answer to the programming wire but still have no ideas of how to check the functionality of the transmitter.


Dealerships have tester to see if a signal is being sent out. If the signal is sent out, then the module (the receiver circuit board, there's two motherboards inside that little black box) is most likely what GnatGoSplat and RedTurbo90 are saying about the breaking soders. I, too, had this problem and had to get a new module out of junkyard for it to work. Best of luck and hope you get it works... I know the feeling.


- RedFox340

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Guest Anonymous
Actually, I still have that soldered box I just never got around to testing!

I'll check to see if the pinouts match the TGP's.


This is actually for the '89 SE but they both take the same box.

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thanks for the info guys! I had a bit of extra time and soldered some of the contacts on the pcb in the remote to the spring terminals on battery holders. This made it work enough to re-program the module and operate 1 out of every 3 or 4 times i push a button, but it still doesn't work all the time. I'm thinking that I might have damaged the carbon things for the buttons. I know they don't work too well if you touch them and get them greasy so I decided to clean them with rubbing alcohol. This took a good layer off of them! I already found a j/y that has a few remotes and I plan to buy two. Can I get more than one remote to work at once, or does each remote have to be programmed individually?


I'm hoping that with a new remote everything will work like new.


Thanks again for the advice



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Can I get more than one remote to work at once, or does each remote have to be programmed individually?


Piece of cake: while you've got the program wire grounded... uses the buttons on each of the remotes to cycle the locks / trunk. The module stores the two or more frequencies / pattern and that's how you can multiple transmitters.


- RedFox340

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Guest Anonymous
Can I get more than one remote to work at once, or does each remote have to be programmed individually?


The module stores the two or more frequencies


- RedFox340


I'm pretty sure you can only proigram two remotes per car. Each remote can be used for two cars also.

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Damn this is getting frustrating! :x


So to program two remotes for a single vehicle would I:


a) ground the program wire, press button on first remote, press button on second remote, unhook wire?




B) ground the program wire, press button on first remote, unhook ground, and then repeat for second remote?




c) do something completely F*cking different?!?!?!?!?


a, b, or c?

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Reprogram for multiple remotes:

1.) ground system (wire connected from body to program wire), leave it connected to ground

2.) press both LOCK and UNLOCK together on first remote; locks / trunk release should cycle

3.) do the same for other remote; locks / trunk release should cycle

4.) pull off ground from program wire


Still having problems... it's more than a remote. Best of luck!


- RedFox340

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You can fix worn out carbon pads by using a hole punch or something and punching out a small piece of aluminum foil and gluing it over the carbon pad.

OR an easier way might be to get ahold of some conductive paint like a rear window defroster repair pen.

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You can fix worn out carbon pads by using a hole punch or something and punching out a small piece of aluminum foil and gluing it over the carbon pad.


Hey good idea! Never woulda thought of that!


I'll try that right away... get back to you soon with results!

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Sounds like more of a module problem but that's just my opinion. I took me to get through four (yes, four...) modules recievers before mine ever starting working again. Just a thought...


- RedFox340

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well guys... success!


Located a remote at a junk yard. On the phone they told me $10 but when I got there they said $20. I tried to bargain but got nowhere. What a *$ Ripoff!! But I drove all the way there and I wasn't going to leave without one so I bought it. Programmed it... it cycled... tried it out and "Click-click" :D


When I got home I was so pissed off about the price that I completely mutilated the old remote and managed to get it to work with some aluminum foil electrical tape a lot of crazy-glue and a match! :lol: (Will post a pic when I borrow my friend's digital) So now I have two functioning remotes.


Anyway thanks for the advice... it made trouble-shooting this thing much easier!



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Anyway thanks for the advice... it made trouble-shooting this thing much easier!


Alright! Score another win on the forum.

Glad to hear it works... it's always nice to overcome little difficulties.


- RedFox340

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