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You guys got to help me with a ticket


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Okay, so I was late last night getting home and was speeding, according to the cop, 70mph in a 50mph zone, which I truly do not believe is the case. At the most I think I was doing 60. I plan on fighting it. First, my friend was behind me trying to speed up to me (he got a ticket for the same aswell) so is it possible that his truck had an effect on the radar when the cop figured out my speed? Also how far away are those things accurate, We first saw him at the top of a hill well over 500ft in front of us coming at us. I've already lost my license once when I first got it, my own fault, and I can NOT lose it again for 45 days. Or at the very least I want this ticket brought down to 1-10mph over because that's just a $50 fine and not $100. Any and all information and advice is appreciated more than you can ever know. Thanks.

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Guest donkeykongrape

Only a $50 fine? Consider yourself lucky, where I live it's well over $140 for 1-10mph speeding


My advice is do your research and try to find a reputable traffic lawyer, and fight that shit, it's what I do.

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If you plan on fighting it, the first thing you need to do is file a "discovery" request.


Get the required training for the use of radar guns in your state, find the extent of the officer's training.


Ask what kind of gun he used, and find out what the manufactures recomended maintenence schedule is , and find out if the department followed that schedule.


You cannot claim , the officer hit the wrong target. That will get thrown out of court. You have to prove, that the evidence was inaccurate, and thus inadmissable. With no evidence (the radar gun) , the state has no case.

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also get the records from when the gun was last calibrated, and the records from when the tuning fork for calibrating the gun was last checked by the department of weights and measures. (that got me out of a speeding ticket)



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Those records, for calibrating the gun with the fork are almost NEVER filled out by the boys in blue. So as long as you find the manuall for the gun that states that it needs to be calibrated before every shift, or every eight hrs, or whatever it is, if they cannot provide those records in court (and why would they bring them?), you can argure that the evidence hase not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to be accurate and functioning correctly.

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Thanks for the advice guys, but I got out of the ticket. Went down and saw the chief of police and basically pleaded to keep my license and named off reasons why I need it(my job, getting back and forth to school, my mom who I take care of etc.) and he gave me 20 hours community service. Pretty good deal if you ask me. Thanks again.

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You know what annoys me? People who bitch about speeding tickets but admit they were speeding. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility for what you do.


To be perfectly honest, I really couldn't care less what annoys you.

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You know what annoys me? People who bitch about speeding tickets but admit they were speeding. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility for what you do.


I love you turbsy.

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You know what annoys me? People who bitch about speeding tickets but admit they were speeding. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility for what you do.


I love you turbsy.


I agree 100% on this one.

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in my opinion fighting the radar gun is setting you up for failure plain and simple. at least here in PA they put on the bottom of the ticket last time the gun was calibrated.


if he clocked you with radar, its usally very hard to fight. unless you can prove that your car has a speedo calibration problem, and are able to show recipts for getting it corrected.


or if its your first ticket you can generally get off with a slap on the wrist.

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You know what annoys me? People who bitch about speeding tickets but admit they were speeding. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility for what you do.


I love you turbsy.




Seriously, every forum I get on people ask how to get out of tickets. 8 or 9 out of 10 broke the law but think the cops were being unfair or targeting them. BS. If you broke the law man up and take responsibilty.

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I had four in the first three years of driving (a few I don't think I deserved, but that's besides the point). Now, I haven't had one in well over two years. just have to realize if you're doing something stupid, eventually it'll catch up to you (no pun intended, not until I read it anyways :lol:)

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Thanks for the advice guys, but I got out of the ticket. Went down and saw the chief of police and basically pleaded to keep my license and named off reasons why I need it(my job, getting back and forth to school, my mom who I take care of etc.) and he gave me 20 hours community service. Pretty good deal if you ask me. Thanks again.


the chief of police dismissed the ticket and gave you community service instead ??? I've never heard of them having such ability :dunno:

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For Turby , and the rest of you who all say , if you speed, pay the price:


I agree, but i also disagree....


Here's the thing....The more I watch the news, and see white collar crimes going unpunished, and CEO's getting away with robbing their own companies, while sticking it to their work force, the more I see how the state has been collecting my dollars, and spending it on stupid shit, the more I want to fight back EVEN IF I AM WRONG. Everyone has their hand out, and they tax you when you make it, they tax you when you spend it. I will fully admit to speeding, and then trying to get out of it... why... because I have been screwed enough.

How many of you have ever been given wrong change, and not said anything about it?

How many of you have claimed something on your taxes that was questionable?

How many of you have watched a cop speed down the freeway withi no lights on? or watched them go through a stop sign?

Whats the difference?

The way I see it, it's all about the money. I agree with if you don't want the ticket, don't speed. But I also am going to fight every ticket from now on, because I am tired of watching congress vote themselves huge raises, while I struggle to earn a good living.


Piss on em.


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You know what annoys me? People who bitch about speeding tickets but admit they were speeding. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility for what you do.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

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I'm new here, so heya.


I'd just like to speak up on the issue of fighting speeding tickets. I fight them, even if I was speeding, because it's my right to do so as a citizen of the US. The legal system is designed so that, if the police officers have done what they are supposed to do, I will lose the court case anyway. My last ticket, the cop tried to say I was doing 75 in a 65, when all I did was accelerate to pass a slower driver and happened to be driving a Nissan 240sx. The highest my speed reached was 71, so even though I was "speeding", I was not gonna pony up for a ticket for 75 when I wasn't doing 75. Either charge me for the crime I committed, or go away. I fight tickets because I don't agree with speed limits on some roads, and I believe that the law is meant to serve me, not the other way around. I have a class A cdl, and a taxi permit on top of that, so I am a safe and skilled driver, so I don't believe that the way I drive endangers me or anyone else. If you don't agree, then when you get a ticket, you just send it in with your check, but please don't tell me I can't exercise my right to participate in my local judicial system if I so choose.

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I'm new here, so heya.


I'd just like to speak up on the issue of fighting speeding tickets. I fight them, even if I was speeding, because it's my right to do so as a citizen of the US. The legal system is designed so that, if the police officers have done what they are supposed to do, I will lose the court case anyway. My last ticket, the cop tried to say I was doing 75 in a 65, when all I did was accelerate to pass a slower driver and happened to be driving a Nissan 240sx. The highest my speed reached was 71, so even though I was "speeding", I was not gonna pony up for a ticket for 75 when I wasn't doing 75. Either charge me for the crime I committed, or go away. I fight tickets because I don't agree with speed limits on some roads, and I believe that the law is meant to serve me, not the other way around. I have a class A cdl, and a taxi permit on top of that, so I am a safe and skilled driver, so I don't believe that the way I drive endangers me or anyone else. If you don't agree, then when you get a ticket, you just send it in with your check, but please don't tell me I can't exercise my right to participate in my local judicial system if I so choose.


So what happened? They still stick you with the ticket?

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I'm new here, so heya.


I'd just like to speak up on the issue of fighting speeding tickets. I fight them, even if I was speeding, because it's my right to do so as a citizen of the US. The legal system is designed so that, if the police officers have done what they are supposed to do, I will lose the court case anyway. My last ticket, the cop tried to say I was doing 75 in a 65, when all I did was accelerate to pass a slower driver and happened to be driving a Nissan 240sx. The highest my speed reached was 71, so even though I was "speeding", I was not gonna pony up for a ticket for 75 when I wasn't doing 75. Either charge me for the crime I committed, or go away. I fight tickets because I don't agree with speed limits on some roads, and I believe that the law is meant to serve me, not the other way around. I have a class A cdl, and a taxi permit on top of that, so I am a safe and skilled driver, so I don't believe that the way I drive endangers me or anyone else. If you don't agree, then when you get a ticket, you just send it in with your check, but please don't tell me I can't exercise my right to participate in my local judicial system if I so choose.


So what happened? They still stick you with the ticket?


Nope. There was no way it was gonna fly, he wasn't runnin' radar (my radar detector made nary a peep), and he was going the other way on a divided highway. He pulled a quick U at a break and ran me down lights flashing so he never got a chance to clock me. Then, he filled out the ticket and wrote down the speed limit on the ticket, but left the line the said how fast I was going blank. I didn't even know for sure (only from comments he made) how fast he was officially saying I was going. Judge sided with me :) .

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