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dents and dings

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Cmon guys make me feel better... lets all talk about our dents and dings on our cars no matter how major or minor. MAybe itll make some of yall fel better about your own cars lol.... anyways i have two med. in my hood, a lot of little dings on my pass. side and barely any on my driver's side (the picture friendly side( if you know what i mean lol... so spill it out players


i got 2 rock dings on my hood..


and my rear q pannel on driver side has a fist sized dent in it and a smaller one witch broke the taillight :willynilly:


I had all of my dings taken out of my 96 and 97 for $30 :biggrin:


The 90 on the otherhand...yeahh that has A LOT of dings... I can't even begin to explain how many. The back pass. door probably has 10-15... driver's side is pretty clean... needs a new hood (which I have) because it's too far gone, one in the roof, and 2 on the trunk lid.


Beat that! :willynilly: :lol:


my 90 lumi has lets see the pass door is creased a good bit :cry:, 3 meddents in hood ,driver rear quarter has 1 large dent, pass qtr has 2 med dents.

all i can think of right now. i cant wait till i can work on the body.good thing the jy up here has a good door for $56. im thinking maybe a candyapple red metallic maybe a tad darker dont know yet


Small dent on the hood, I'm sure that can be easiliy straightened out. Each door has a ding or 2, and what looks like a hammer hit the top of the 1/4 panal (can't be popped out, will have to be filled and painted... I've been meaning to fix that for the last 2 years..lol).


I'm sure there are very few w's on this board that DON'T have any dings..


Well, I got the one BIG ASS dent in my rear quarter from the red light running idiot. And one on the top of my passenger fender, and one crease in the door from me body slamming it when the latch broke.


Otherwise it's really clean. I dont have any noticable door dings at all. :cool:


hmm...ive got 2 small ones on the hood(my fault) and one dime sized one on the drivers side fender near the corner lens, and....one more on the drivers side near the taillight


other than that nada!!!!!(unless they're too small to even point out)


Zero dents on my Regal. Pretty big ding on the '01.


Too bad my paint is flaking off in some parts..


my car has alot...both doors & quarter panels...just dings, no accident type creases or anything...they were all in the car when i bought it...another reason i wish i woulda looked around more before i bought my car...oh well...i'll keep searching for my perfect GTP...


uh i prolly have over 120 dings in my car both sides and the roof, hood, and rear deck


got abiout 30 rock chips on my hood... might jus get sum of the paint filler shit and jus fill and paint.. bout other then that jus little scratches here and there


wellll ding and dents....this is the aftermath of what happens whena dumb bitch in a highschool parking lot doesnt kno how to drive...







sooooooooooooo i took her to small claims court got 500 dollers and went to a junk yard and scored a perfect condition black door for 150$ of a 93 cutlass..so me and my dad had to make a whole new wireing harness and all thsi bullshit but after a days work it came out nice



Ive got one small stone chip up by the windshield. and you wont notice it unless you know your looking for it. Thats it. I guess Ive been lucky nothing has really happened *knock on wood*


My car has dents all over it, and the windshield is all pitted to hell.


lol keem em comming guys see doesnt make u feel beter when someone else has dents?? lol jk.... but im glad im not the only w out there with them!!


lol keem em comming guys see doesnt make u feel beter when someone else has dents?? lol jk.... but im glad im not the only w out there with them!!

Actually it doesn't it just pisses me off more realizing how beat up my car really is but i have the parts to fix that so it'll be fine :mrgreen: Anyways I like hearing people have pitted windshields it makes me feel good about mine my windsheild is 100% mint. :biggrin:

This is the most depressing thread one w-body.com :(


Fortunatly, digital cameras seem to be friendly.. for the most part.


either that of it just shows that we actually drive them, and not store em away under a cover.


either that of it just shows that we actually drive them, and not store em away under a cover.

:willynilly: Mine has been stored under a car cover in the back driveway since about this time last year :lol:

either that of it just shows that we actually drive them, and not store em away under a cover.


True, and that not all of us are lucky enough to live where there is no snow (and rust).


Well mines garaged everytime Im not driving it, but still the winter sucks. Especially with the salt.


Well mines garaged everytime Im not driving it, but still the winter sucks. Especially with the salt.



:werd: on all counts brotha!![br]Posted on: April 04, 2006, 08:31:15 AM_________________________________________________although at the end of the fall(early november???) mine will be under a cover hopefully in my aunts garage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


a plus of going away to school :cool:

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