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Am I allowed to hate my car?


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So heres how it is: I have a 5 cylinder car with shitty paint and a really big fresh new dent in the driver side door and rear quarter panel. And the interior is ugly. Its almost time to give up on the Buick I think. : (

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It maybe. I would do the head gasket myself if I were you. Its not that hard. But, if you dont want to, save your pennies, and get another W-body! 8)



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Save your pennies for the L67 :mrgreen:


My car's a love/hate relationship. Some days, I love it, and other days(like the days I had to change alternators on my old GTP) I hated it. I would curse and loathe the fucktards who designed it.


But when I was done, bandaging my scraped knuckles, all it took was flooring the accelerator at about 20 mph, and I loved it again :mrgreen:

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Guest cutlass88er

I love to hate my car, and sometimes I think my car love to hate me! I really do love, for all the things that are wrong with it, and it still get's me places and can still haul ass in an emergeny. I saw a newer Prizm on that FOX Police Chases and I though my car could def out last that piece o crap and it was one of the 98-02s it was fallin apart way before it started on the chase(I will admit it took that collision really good for a small car).

But yes we must no hate our cars, we must hate the fucktards that designed them. Wiper fluid right next to the battery? Drums on Lumina/Monte? Dark Garnet Red interior(Although it is really great to clean and hold up great in the sun)? A Cutty conv. and no GP conv(I would still like that CS conv, but a GP just makes so much sense?

When we hate our cars we must remember they are oly as good as the people who designed them!!!!

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When a car gets to be 10+ years old, if you don't have that "grasp" on it, it can fall apart real quick (like you can be in tune with it, if something is acting weird, you'll be able to pinpoint the problem before even looking) When small problems aren't fixed quickly, and certain things are ignored, once more problems start occuring, it's better to get it to a mechanic that knows his shit, and get the car back to normal operation. Regular, even excessive maintenance promotes normal operation. Like for example, my car is about the same age as yours. One morning it didn't want to start, I know that I didnt have a bad fuel pump, etc etc. I assumed it's getting no spark. Replaced the DIS and it's fixed. If I had other previous problems in question, I'd probably have given up.


Why is it running on 5 cylinders anyway?

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i don't know whay, it is making 26 lbs when a compression check was done, the others where making 125 lbs. The mechanic said it was either a bad ring, or a burnt valve seat, and that it wasn't worth looking into for how much it would have cost.


What pisses me off was the HUGE F--KING DENT IN MY CAR when I went to pick it up. Pretty much thats why I have lost hope in teh car and I don't think its worth working on the engine...

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Ive had days, weeks, months that Ive hated my truck. When the clutch went twice in a month, when the tranny went, and a whole bunch of other times.

The only thing I hate about the car so far is that parts are expensive as hell for it.

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i don't know whay, it is making 26 lbs when a compression check was done, the others where making 125 lbs. The mechanic said it was either a bad ring, or a burnt valve seat, and that it wasn't worth looking into for how much it would have cost.




hmm. Even 125 sounds low, maybe you just need the heads conditioned, or a valve got bent?. Is it burning oil?

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here is the work up the mechanic printed out for me...

" ...car now runs a lot better but we still have a miss at idle. Compression check on the front 3 cylinders resulted in a 100 p.s.i. difference form #6 cylinder. It had 25 p.s.i. while #2$#4 tested at 125 p.s.i. . We completed oil change with new filter."

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What did the mechanic do to make it run better?



lol, ok here is the whole write up teh mechanic did...


"Inspection and testing revealed fuel fouled spark plugs and fualty ignition wires. Good mechanical repair practice suggests that when coil failure occurs, teh cause of the failure should be examined. Faulty, or worn plug wires could cause coil failure. As we replaced spark plugs we found #3 [middle plug back side of engine] cross threaded and only three turns into plug whole. We re-tapped threads and installed plug. With teh installation of plugs and wires, teh vehicle ran appreciably better but exhibited a lot of upper valve train noise. Inspection of oil level revealed 1-1/2 quart overfill. We drained excess oil and installed flushing product to clear up valve train noise. We succeeded in niose abatement, car now runs alot better but we still have a miss at idle. Compression check on teh front 3 cylinders resulted in a 100 p.s.i. difference from #6 cylinder. It had 25 p.s.i while #2 tested at 125 p.s.i. We completed oil change with new filter."

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well you realize that your sparkplug if its not seated right will not hold pressure and you could very well endup with 25 psi....and if they retaped the hole and didnt do something to help seal it.. (red locktight on the helicoil) it could still have a leak.....

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the leak was on cylinder 6, the cross threaded plug was on 3...


oh yeah, rest assured, I will be talking to the people who did my tune up about the SHIT job they did to my car. PLus now I have to deal with the garage that did that write up because my car was hit in their parking lot...

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the leak was on cylinder 6, the cross threaded plug was on 3...


oh yeah, rest assured, I will be talking to the people who did my tune up about the SHIT job they did to my car. PLus now I have to deal with the garage that did that write up because my car was hit in their parking lot...



Man talk about SHITTY LUCK! man that sux!! sorry to hear all your bad luck...

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If a cylinder has been dead awhile, gunk can build up causing the valve not to seal well. This happened to my Cutty when I got my heads back from having them cleaned and machined, I had NO compression, ZERO, NADA on a couple cylinders. After driving it around awhile, the gunk burned off and compression was restored back to perfect.


Maybe you could try some top end cleaner?

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