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97' L67 high idle, possable causes

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ever sine we put in the new engine it idles just a little too high (200-300rpm) it woulden't be such a large deal except it keeps tripping the SES light. we replaced the IAC, and i believe the vaccum lines are all good and tight, i'll have him double check them however. what else would cause cause this?


the Pcm also has the factory idle settings in it, so that rules the computer out.


car: 1997 GTP

engine: 98' L67, 25,000

trans: 4t65eHD


we have done that, alot. we keep getting the "idle too high" code, its number i forget at the moment. but it keeps pulling that. and it is idleing a little too high, but not much as in 200-300rpm. i'd like to know why


Pull the air filter ducting off the TB and put your hand over the end of the TB. Does the idle go down? if not, it's a vacuum leak somewere and if so it has something to do with the TB assembly or the PCM.


Also, what are the IAC counts?


if i do that the car would stall.




Also, what are the IAC counts?


Alright, soooo get some propane and put that around all the gaskets see if that can find the problem. Also, how is the PCV system?


well nevermind, we got it fixed, it was a out of adjustment cruise cable. car is happy.


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