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As seen here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/PONTIAC-GRAND-PRIX-RADIO-AMPLIFIER_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ38638QQitemZ8000195174


Would this be worthwhile to put into the Prix? I have Pioneer HU in there now with the stock speakers (which are going to get replaced in about 6 months). Am I going to notice any difference, or is the PreAmp on the Pioneer good enough?


And secondly, where is the plug or where does it mount so I can look on the car.




I believe your car has a stock amplifier. I think its under the dash on the drivers side. Between the Pioneer HU ( which is prolly around 15-20w rms per channel ) I dont think it would be worth it, since your saying yout going to be getting new speakers in the near future. Im taking it that you have the stock speakers in there, so when you upgrade the speakers, itll be like a brand new system. Youll notice a big difference from that alone.


Good enough answer for me...lol.


I'll start to dig around the car this week and maybe I'll actually find the damn thing.


i'm thinkin its in the trunk...on the drivers side behind the carpet...thats where it was on a '03 grand am and on my mom's '02 alero...i'm not 100% on the gp though...just pull the side carpet in your trunk on the drivers side back...i believe it will say MONSOON on it...thats what the one in the ga and alero say...


again...i'm not 100% on this, but i wouldnt think the gp would be that much different from those other gm cars...


That amplifier is specific to the 8 speaker (non bose) system. It powers ONLY the rear 6x9's in the 97+ grand prix, and puts out a low end (low pass) signal only.

If you have the 8 speaker system (front door speakers + tweeters, and rear 4" and 6x9's) then this amplifier will be located directly under/behind the glove compartment.




Yeah my car has the cheap system in it. I guess on that note...nevermind...lol

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