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as most lumina guys know..the dash is nutorius for pealing and warping. i just changed the upper dash befoe of the sun damaged vent. unfortunately..i had to mess with the guages and the dash got peeled up pretty bad. i cant stand it. is there any way to restore it to near unwarped?


Dont know if the same method applies to the Lumi dash as the Cutty one, but you can drive wood screws around the defroster vent hole under the vent if thats where its warped. Just start on one side and work your way across it so it comes out even.


no..i ment the viynl above the dash heat vents. i had to run wires underneath and the viynl never fit the same..then i really messed it up with the guages.


and being that i'm on that topic..can any1 point me to a thread about dash options for z34. i was hoping for a digi-dash maybe..


i used search. i couldnt find what i was looking for.


Can you post pics of what you are talking about? If it's what I'm thinking, I have no idea how you'd replace that. If it's the upper part, I replaced mine thanks to a donor 90 Lumina in a j/y around here.


the viynl over the headunit. under where it says "z34" or "euro". its not the top. i changed that already.


cant get my hands on a camera other than my phone..its worth a shot.



Darn yeah, I dunno how to replace that part. I'm assuming someone else here does though! Free bump.


If it is just peeling try some epoxy to glue it back down....others have used different glues and have had mixed results.....I know what you mean though, it looks bad to have all that shit peeling and warping....mine is the worst I've seen


As for the digi dash, you can retro fix a "UB3" digital cluster into the dash with some modification, and "repinning" the cluster plugs. UB3 is what people around here call the digi dash from the earlier Cutlass'...UB3 is found on the "RPO" sticker in your trunk.....yours will say UB3 as well, because you have the upgraded analog guages....


Anyway, there are a few members who have done this swap and could help you with everything....



i figured it'd be epoxy..just wanted to see if any1 knew a better way.


does any1 have a picuture of a z34 with a digi dash?


my lumina also has the upper and middle dash warping/peeling issue. i was told to use 2 stage expoy from a body shop guy. havent had the time or money but im sure it will hold


i'm not worried about it holding..i'm worried about it being perfect. "restore" i hate seeing it being even a little warped.


To fix my cutty dash I put slicone along the whole defroster vent , clamped and put a few screws in. Work well.


http://www.w-body.com/forum/index.php/topic,27422.0.html go to that link...I think it looks pretty awesome....there's not much difference between dashes whether it is a base or z34 imo....just that decal on the right side that says "Z34" or "EURO" or whateevr.....


thats pretty sick. i was wondering if the fuel guage is going back and forth just like the normal fuel guage in lumina's! lol.


I have the same problem. Dash peeled back from the defrost vent and was sticking up a good 3 inches. So i ripped all the vinyl off :mad: The lower dash (around the silver strip that holds the head unit and whatnot) is peeled a little, but it's getting de-vinyled next. Going to get some good foam and vinyl and rewrap it at some point...right now I have this cheesy black plastic dash with chunks of foam in it :lol: Anyone pulled the whole dash? How bad is it to get out?


i got pretty down in to the dash already on the euro. i just saw a z34 for sale and i noticed the dash was perfect. it probably starts to give problems when you pull it off the first time. thats when i noticed it started to peel up a little. after that..i was fucking with the guages and i pulled it up more. sucks.

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