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Brought STE in to get tranny fixed


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So about a month or so ago I made an appointment to bring the STE in to the dealer to get a new tranny put in it since the one they gave me was a POS. So I bring it in on Wednesday morning and they said they couldn't get to it until the afternoon. But they wanted me to pull it into the shop so they had it in there when they could get to it. So I pull it into the shop and park it there and the guy says "does that really have a turbo on it?" (after reading the STE turbo badge). Of course I tell him yes, it has a stock turbo on it. So at this point I'm not worried about them knowing about the topend swap since apparantly they'd never seen a turbo GP at all before. :lol: To try to cover my own bases because I figured they'd give me shit, I just told them the transmission didn't have first or reverse gear when I put it in and that it was bad to begin with. Not 100% true, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.


So I get a call at around 5:30. Its the service manager from the dealer and he goes on and on and says that they can't fix the transmission under warranty because the throttle valve cable was modified (I had to modify it so I could hook it up to the 3100 throttle body), so it must have been misadjusted and thats what killed the transmission. So I argue with him on the phone explaining to him that I changed the throttle body (not going to tell them about the topend swap) and thats why the cable was modified and that it was adjusted properly. I told them to look at it again and they will see that it is in fact adjusted properly even though it is modified. So they go on and on and say they can't fix it and blah blah blah. So I ask him how a "misadjusted" cable could make the transmission lose 1st and reverse right immediately. He said, well it controls pressure and all this and will kill the clutches. Now while that is entirely true, if I had put it in and not had the gears to begin with then the cable obviously isn't what caused it because it would have to be driven on with it improperly adjusted. So I basically told him he was full of shit and that it wouldln't kill it immediately, and that it would take time for it to kill it. He said that it would kill it immediately so I said "so if I were to take a brand new car that had a TV cable if there were any, and I "misadjust" the TV cable, it would immediately lose first and reverse gear?" The guy says, "yes." So I say, and I quote, "you're full of shit and you know it, how about I bring in my other turbo car and take that cable completely off, not just misadjust it, and show you that it still in fact does have first and reverse gear." The guy says, "well I'm not gonna argue with you, its not covered under warranty, goodbye." Then he hangs up. I didn't feel like dealing with them at the time so I didn't call them back, I was gonna wait until the next day.


So yesterday I ended up going out of town with my dad and didn't really feel like talking to them still so I didn't call them. They called me and left a message on my phone but I still did not call them back. I was planning on going in there this morning because I'd rather talk to them in person than over the phone but apparantly there was no need. I get woken up this morning to my phone ringing. I see that it is the dealers number and I answer the phone. "Hello, is this Shawn?" So I say yes it is. "This is Lou from *dealer name here* and I'm calling about your transmission. Well I talked to our transmission tech and we are going to be able to cover your transmission. All I ask is that we can order a new TV cable and try to get it to work on your throttle body or change the throttle body back to the old one, and I need some more paperwork from you." I say, okay sounds good to me go ahead and order that cable and I'll bring those papers in to you. He says "Ok, we'll see you in a little bit, bye."






THEY'RE ACTUALLY GONNA FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :willynilly: :willynilly: :willynilly: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :lol:


So I went in there and brought them the papers they needed and they should be getting to it later. Not sure how long its gonna take them to do it. Will probably take them a while to figure out they need to take the turbo off to get the trans out though. :rolleyes:


I thought I would let you guys know the progress and we will see how this one turns out!


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Damn man I honestly didn't think they were going to do shit for ya. worked out pretty well though :cheers:


were you ever able to confirm that it's actually an HD tranny and not just a normal N/A tranny?

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Damn man I honestly didn't think they were going to do shit for ya. worked out pretty well though :cheers:


were you ever able to confirm that it's actually an HD tranny and not just a normal N/A tranny?


I am not sure if it is an HD tranny for sure, I actually think it probably isn't, but I haven't been able to confirm it. And at this point in time I don't really care. As long as they get a new trans in that works properly I don't care. It only has to last long enough for me to put a for sale sign in the window. I don't want to get rid of the car, but if I can get like half of what I have into it out of it then I could make my GP GT really haul ass.



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so what are you looking to get with the new tranny??/


More than I'll be able to. I'd really like to get $4k out of the car, but I really can't see that happening.

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If they do not know about turbo GP's then how would they know to put in the TGP/TSTE specific tranny? They will most likely put in a Low Output GP tranny that will cook within miles of the first torque being applied to it!


This is on your TSTE right?


That would have been the fisrt words out of my mouth..."MAKE DAMN GOOD AND SURE YOU PUT THE PROPER TRANNY IN THERE!!" :wink: :mrgreen:

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Not judging or anything...but I honestly could not sell a car knowing there was an expensive time-bomb under it. The shop is responsible to put the proper tranny in there...fact of it is that if they did in the first place then this would not be an issue now.


Like I said I am not judging...just know how I would handle it and what I would demand from them. :mrgreen:

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Yeah, I would demand the beefed up tranny be put in there and make sure that is what they were putting in there. The fact that didnt even know it had a turbo makes me question their work.

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Yeah, I would demand the beefed up tranny be put in there and make sure that is what they were putting in there. The fact that didnt even know it had a turbo makes me question their work.


They didn't put the tranny that is in there now in though. I bought it from the parts department and put it in there myself. I have never even stepped foot in the service department of a dealer before, I don't trust other people touching my shit, but when it comes to them replacing something that expensive then I guess I can let them do it. So its not like they did the work before. I can understand them not knowing there was a turbo on it, but that doesn't mean they aren't gonna put the new one in right. If they put the wrong trans in they'll just have to fix it again. They can see what the car is, they have the vin number which means the parts computer should tell them what tranny to put in, if they put the wrong one in thats their problem. I'm in no hurry to get it back from them so if they have to redo it 5 times its their loss not mine.



Not judging or anything...but I honestly could not sell a car knowing there was an expensive time-bomb under it. The shop is responsible to put the proper tranny in there...fact of it is that if they did in the first place then this would not be an issue now.


Like I said I am not judging...just know how I would handle it and what I would demand from them.


If I KNEW it had the wrong trans in it, its not like I would just leave it like that and sell it, I would never feel right doing that to someone. I am just fed up with the car so I'm probably going to get rid of it when I get it back because I have no desire to work on it anymore, I've just lost interest in it and it needs too much stuff anyways, so its time to get rid of it.



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to me it would be worth it for 3k


I doubt it if you knew all the problems it had. I haven't even bothered to fix a lot of the problems it has because I wanted to get a trans that worked right first.



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