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Got hit today....


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Well, it happened. I got hit today. Shes still alive though!


I was going to school, near the Diamond (the baseball feild here in Richmond). Taking a left onto broad to head to the lower fan (like downtown richmond). Well, this guy in a 2000 Dakota Sport is behind me. At the light, he reahes for his phone, relaxing off the brake pedal. Smacks me.


Luckily the only damage was a screw scratched some of the fiberglass? in the bumper ( I thought they were plastic). Just need to put some paint on it. He was actualyl really nice, was going to pay to have it repainted, caus there is antoher scratch on it.


Seriouisly, hes lucky he didnt do more. I would kicked his ass (no one messes with my baby). Then, he woulda got tons of shit from the cops for the Cell phone thing



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a lady backed into my car on monday...While i was in the car....AND SHE WAS LIKE 30 FEET AWAY BACKING IN REVERSE!!!! THE B#$#@ NEVER BOTHERED TO LOOK BACK! GRRRR!!!!! I LL POST PICS OF THE DAMAGE...my dad and everyone thats seen the damage gives me this "oh thats nothing" garble but DAMN its my baby! Man i thought i was some dude i was already raising my hands in the air ready to kick his ass

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Yah, im goin to take a pic of it.


IT was funny, bro saw it this monring. He was like "your whole bumepers messed up". Manily, caus for some reason, all the body is slightly off (musta been built on a friday).





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