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Has any one messed with the flip out head units yet? If so how much of a pain in the butt are they to get in to a 94 Euro Lum? lol im kinda worried that its gona be a big pain. And if that’s not a good idea what would you guys recommend for a deck? I no about them but as a I was reading theres not much room for an aftermarket one. So any help would be nice. I did drive a 97 Integra but it got stolen. So I no my way around cars and what not so no need for the 2nd grade explanation of things lol. Thxs for any help.


I believe the flip out H/U's have their own install kit to make them fit. They shouldnt be that big of a pain at all. There also should be more than enough room for one, although depth might be an issue but youll have to measure and check that out.


i dont know about luminas but i wouldnt even attempt to put one in my cutty. there is hardly any depth there at all, with out melting and rebending some ducting i dont think it would fit..


we are talking about a flip out screen correct...


I'm also not sure about the luminas, but i put one in my cutlass... i swapped the climate control and the stereo locations to get a better angle on the screen, but there was not enough depth in either spot... I had to cut some plastic out of the back with a drill... not a big deal though, I basically had to just drill out the spots where the plugs in the back were sticking out.





hey thxs i went looking on cruchfield and i got the Alpine - IVA-D310 In dash DVD/CD player with 7" "pluse touch" screen with the SIRIUS add on. thxs for the help it will fit with out moving the ducks in the back. ThXs for the help.


That Pioneer looks killer. If my Kenwood HU doesn't break that's what I want to get next.. so I can load up DVDs full of MP3. 8)


If would be an awsome fit on my GP too cause the HVAC controls are below the stereo.


Do those units have removable faceplate??

You suck I want to ge that Pioneer but I dont have that much money :lol:

Well, I picked it up for $800 when I worked at best buy, but yeah I really don't have the money either... :lol: credit cards suck



. so I can load up DVDs full of MP3.

Yeah, I wanted to do that too. I don't know about the n2 or n3 that is coming out, but the N1 won't read a DVD with MP3s on it...only an MP3 CD will work. :?



Do those units have removable faceplate??

Yes, the bottom half is removable




it will fit with out moving the ducks in the back.

i don't think you will have to move the venting ducts, just remove some of the plastic from the dash (it doesn't really have a purpose anyway, just extra plastic)


Have you had any problems with it at all? and from reading above you didnt really have to mod anything to much to get it to fit.


But whats your opinion on that product? Im seriously comsidering buying that now


I personally like the AVIC-D2 better, purely for the factory installed look. But, obviously won't work on our 1st gens, minus the later Cutty's.


Here's what I like and don't like about the N1:



--Really easy to use, especially if you've had a pioneer radio before. The audio controls are setup just like the regular HUs.

--Voice recognition is pretty accurate

--If you make a wrong turn, or decide to take a detour, it will automatically recalculate the route in a couple seconds. With some GPS systems, you would have to do this manually.

-- Memory Navigation: This allows you to eject the NAV DVD after you have set your destination and it will store the maps in memory. Then you can put in a movie or mp3 cd while still using the navigation. I believe this is the only gps on the market that can do this.

-- Bypassing the lock that prevents you from watching movies while driving is really easy, just ground one wire. They changed this on the N2 and N3 however.

--The vehicle dynamics gauges are pretty cool. I especially think the voltage gauge is useful.

-- When you turn the head lights on, the gauges glow different and also the 3d navigation turns from daytime (blue skys and clouds) to nighttime(dark sky with stars)...

--the screen has an automatic dimmer that senses the light and adjusts the screen brightness.

-- The clock sets itself from the gps satellites so it is always accurate

-- girls seem to like it.




-You can hear the cooling fan inside the HU. It's not really loud or annoying, but it is definitely noticable when the music is quiet and there is no road noise.

-The screen can be difficult to see in direct sunlight, but I guess that's true for all LCDs

-Navigation will sometimes choose odd routes, again that's something that is probably true for a lot of GPS units.

-The maps are about 6 years old, so anything built after that time won't be included in the points of interest database.

-Scrolling through song lists on an MP3 CD is slow, it takes about 6 seconds from the time you push the button until you see more songs.

-No animations at all. This is something that is on a lot of high-end pioneer radios so I thought this would have it for sure, but it doesn't. A sound spectrum analyzer would have been nice.

-Everytime you start the car and go to use navigation, you have to click OK on a disclaimer about saftey before you start. Not a big deal, just stupid really.






The only problem I ever had was the gps antenna stopped working. I think because the wire was getting pinched by the trunk. I sent it out to pioneer and they replaced it for free. Now I have the antenna sitting on the rear deck inside and it works fine.

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