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I saw something sad & amazing @ the same time today-Z-34


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I saw an Abso-friggin-loutely beautiful 92' Z34 today....get hit in the passenger side door by a fucktard in an F150 in a parking lot of a grocery store while I was out on lunch today. I was driving by the Z34, and I see this fool in the Ford open his door and bash the shit out of the Z. I wrote his tag number down, and got a decent description of the loser written down as well.


I waited until the owner of the Z34 came out, which turned out to be a woman I hadn't seen since high school. I told her what happened, and we went back inside to find him. Needless to say, he was a bit floored when she told him that she had someone who saw what happened. We called the police, and I gave my two cents when the townies showed up. Justice served.


NOW.....the amazing part. I got to chatting with her about her Z, and I asked her about the typical LQ1 problems. Her parents owned the car while she was in high school, and they gave it to her when she went off to college


"Alternator? "


"Nope. Original" :shock:


"Timing belt?"


"Nope......" :shock: :shock:


"How many miles are on it now? "


"One hundred and thirty nine thousand"..... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


My jaw hit the pavement....I stammered for a bit......I was floored.


"Are you Ok Mike?"


"Uhhhh...Uhhhhhhhh, whaaaaa????"


I finally came out of it, and said to her...


"Damn, she must have been built on a Wednesday" :lol:

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Wow, did the cops even care? What'd the guy do/say in response? Did he even bother to stick around and wait for the cops?

I hate door dings with a passion, and I hate the people that put 'em there even more.


Not very many LQ1 problems, eh? She must drive it easy like my wife does.

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The cops gave them both an "incident report" which dosen't lay blame on either party, but instead is a document to give to your insurance company to begin proceedings to fix the car.


The d00d that slammed the Z gave me an "I'll get you later" look. :roll:


BTW, Shawn, this wasn't a ding. It was a dent about 1/2 an inch deep, and about 6-9 inches tall.

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If I was in your position, I WOULD have dropped him where he stood. I've only see that one other time 9 years when I first started driving. That pissed me off then because, 1 it was my friends car, 2 he saw me looking at him, and 3 he took off. f______ jerk!!! :devil: :devil: :)

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If I was in your position, I WOULD have dropped him where he stood. I've only see that one other time 9 years when I first started driving. That pissed me off then because, 1 it was my friends car, 2 he saw me looking at him, and 3 he took off. f______ jerk!!! :devil: :devil: :)


Yeah, and spend a night in jail, in the same cell with the retard, as well as assault & battery charges? Idonfugginthinkso. I think this will hurt him that much more, where it really hurts. in the wallet. :verymad:

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Guest Anonymous
She must drive it easy like my wife does.


That's not necessarily true Shawn. A woman I work with has a '91 Z34 with 27,000 miles on it. She drives it 4 - 6 times a summer. It has never been above 60 m.p.h. Spends the rest of it's time in a heated garage. The alt. already crapped out on her.


BTW, the original owners of it were in their late 60's. They put 24,000 of those miles on it and they never drove it hard either.

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Those darn ford drivers!!!




OH, btw...I got a friend with a 91 Black z34. Hes having a ton of head work done, and exhaust this summer. The only thing is that the looks of it are like shit. Interior is bad, scratches, fadded, and he just hit a subbrban the other day, broke the sub's axle, messed up his front ent). Hes more of friends with my bro. Im going to give him this site, and 60degreev6 for some of his motor rebuild



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What is it with the ford driver's? The day I got my car back from the paint shop, I parked it at work and was walking across the lot, then I turned to admire my paint just in time to see this idiot get out of hus Rustang and leave a nice red-streaked imprint on my shiny white door! I freaked

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yeah I would have gone over his car, with him watching and jumped on the hood and dented the hell out of then, when he got mad whopped his ass and made him pay to fix my car



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Ah memories. The first time! my car was hit was in a parking lot when I was in the dentists office. I didn't even notice it as it was on the passenger side and I didn't come from that direction to see it. Every left corner I took I heard the tire rubbing something. I couldn't stop anywhere at the time until I got home and the whole fender was creased inward like it'd been hit by a rear hitch and coned in. Gotta love the ol' hit-and-run asswipes.


The second time! was when I parked on the very left edge parking spot of a lot. There was a yellow-zone curb before the street corner, where nobody was allowed to park (too close to the stop sign). Was gone for maybe, 7 mintes tops, and came back to a door that wouldn't open unless I pried the front fender out a bit. Seems someone must have parked there and when they were backing out, must have tried to back left around the corner onto the street (U-turn style) and hit me with their passenger bumper where the fender meets the door. I couldn't phuckin' believe it! One can't park anywhere and feel safe. These days, it's like the safest parking spot is your own damned garage...take the friggin' bus to the mall. People are such peckers!

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One can't park anywhere and feel safe. These days, it's like the safest parking spot is your own damned garage...take the friggin' bus to the mall. People are such peckers!


:lol: :lol: that's jokes man....i feel like that all the time.....but my cars at the point where another dent won't make a difference. so i just keep my swiss army knife in my jacket pocket in case i have to carve my way out

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