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My Olds with New Canvas Top - Pics

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Just picked it up this morning, beautiful job. Looks much better with the new top. Plus they sewed up the one seam that was coming out and re-padded my driver's seat for my fat butt.






Oh and that is my 2 year old grand-daughter Cassidy that insisted on having her pic taken with Opa's car.


that looks very very nice....Canvas looks so much nicer...and that blue looks nicer then I could have imagined ...


It was a white top. The original from the factory, it was beat.


Next year, a new paint job!


Originally when you said blue, I was thinking it would look bad. However, I have to agree that it looks much better than I expected. Nice. :D


The darker blue top compliments the paint...much nicer than the white top....in my opinion


I have the same color CS with a factory white top in need of a replacement. I was wondering what it would look like if my car had the blue top. It looks a lot better than the white but I don't know if I'm sold on the blue yet. No matter what I think a convertable looks a lot better with a new top. Good job


Wow I'm suprised it looks a lot better than I thought!


So let me get this straight, your car was a graphite interior with a white top? Talk about a wierd combo.


Yeah that's correct. I like the blue MUCH better. Thanks for the compliments.


I believe it's called Pinpoint Vinyl.


I think the technical name for this one is Sailcloth. Hell with it I call it canvas, that's what it looks like! :lol: :lol:


Your car really looks great.


Sail cloth definitely has a better appearance.


Where did you find a manuafacturer of the top itself?


Anything I find online refers to the orginal materials and / or stock colors.


I think it would be great if I could put a nice silver grey sailcloth top on my red cutlass. I recently saw a Mercedes drop top with silver grey top which looked fantastic.


Thanks in advance for the information.


Take care and enjoy top down motoring. Just had a perfect Sunday here in Georiga - 81 degrees with mixed sun and cloud and a perfect wind. I spent a good part of the afternoon out with the family touring around and stopping for cold refreshment.


I paid a place down in Philly to do mine. But you can find the tops independently on line along with the cable kit and pads. Do a search on 'Convertible Tops'. There is a limited number of colors if you get the Sailcloth one.


It was like 78 degrees out today on the way into work, it was NICE to drop the top today.


I also tried to repair the stupid 'swipe seal' on the LR quarter window. I took a bicycle inner tube and cut it and rubber cemented it in. Looks ok, a lot better than the ripped rubber piece. The guy at the convertible tops place told me that Olds only sold that rubber attached to the plastic reveal moldings, you had to buy the whole thing assembled. Naturally, they don't make them anymore.


So I did what I used to do in the USAF: Improvise Airman, Improvise!

Olds only sold that rubber attached to the plastic reveal moldings


That is absolutely incorrect. The window rubber is riveted to the metal behind the "belt trim". The guy did what appears to be a wonderful job installing your top. However, he would have had to remove the belt trim pieces (3 in total) in order to install your new top. I am surprised he would have told you that the rubber is integral to the belt trim.


Anyway, if you ever want to look at repairing the window rubber, it involves removal of the belt trim, drilling out some rivets and rivetting in a new rubber molding and re-installing the belt trim. GM doesn't support this part anymore. You may get lucky and find it at a dealer, and don't be upset if they say the left side is no longer available because the only difference between the left and right side is the location of the rivet holes. Buy two of the same side if that is all you can get and be prepared to relocate the holes on one to fit the opposite side.


Just thought I would share what I can.


I'm just passing on what the guy at the convertible place told me. They did remove the reveal moldings to put the top on.


I've never been able to locate that rare rubber piece. If I ever do, I'll look to see where I can get it reproduced, there's a substantial demand for it out there.


It was like 78 degrees out today on the way into work, it was NICE to drop the top today.



tell me about it, it has been high 60s - low 70s here........I had the Spyder's top down since Saturday....too bad it is supossed to snow again in the next day or two....

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