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wiring in a sub to amp question

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just got an Audiobahn 12" sub dual voice coil


and I have a 2 chanel amp


this sub says it is a 3 OR 12 ohm resistance and my amp is a 4 or 2 ohm resistance.


I am just not sure on how to wire it up. I have been told to bridge the amp and sub.


First is your sub a dual 4 ohm or dual 2 ohm?


Yes you will want to bridge the sub to the amp to get the max power rating of the amp (at whatever ohm that may be)


sounds like his sub is a dual 6 ohm. id bridge the amp and wire the sub in parallel, to get a 3 ohm resitance to the amp. Make sure that your amp can handle 2 ohm when bridged so you dont overheat it.



to bridge the amp you'll use the + on one speaker terminal and the - on the other, the amp should have sort of mark as to which ones to use.


for the sub, you'll want a postive wire to each of the voice coils, and a negative wire to both as well.


what is the amp? im sure someone here can help you decide whether or not it can handle 3 ohm's bridged. otherwise you'll have to wire it up to 12 ohm, which will draw from you total output wattage a bunch.



okay I have a Crunch amp P2250. Here are the stats

2 channel

4 ohm load- 250Wx2

2 ohm load- 500Wx2

Mono bridged into 4 ohm- 1000Wx1


I just purchased this sub: http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_4079.html


as you can see it has 8 wire hook ups on the sub.


I am not sure on how to hook it up and need some help.


microsoft paint diagrams would be fine. thank you


i dont think that your amp will be able to hold a 3ohm in bridged mode (the manual says min of 4ohm) , but you could try it, but it'd be risky.


I'd say your best bet would to run it either at bridged at 12ohm, or just one channel per a coil at 6 ohm each. either way, your sub is going to be way uder powered. your talking ~300-350 RMS to the sub(if ratings are RMS). someone correct me if im wrong.


If possible though, try to find a new amp that will fit your system better. one that is 1000 RMS X 1 at 2ohm, or a 1 ohm stable amp if your looking to had more subs later.


dual 6 ohms, are generally made for 3 subwoofer systems, to acheive a 1 ohm resistance to the amp. That is a nice sub though.


so at 2 ohm load- 500Wx2


I could just run two sets of wires to the sub 1 channel to one voice coil and the other channel to the other voice coil and it won't hurt the amp?


i really am not sure if you can have both coils on different channels, ive never done that, maybe someone else here has experience with that. i dont want to give you the wrong advice.


thats what the audiobahn site has, and i dont think 12 ohm will hurt the amp, its just to cut the output wattage way down, make sure u bridge the amp too, that give u more power. your amp is way underrated for this sub.


I will let you know what happens. I was told also that the speaker can be treated like two speakers in respect to hooking it to the amp so maybe I will wire it like that


well I wired it in parellel for a 3 ohm load, and the sub pounds! it is twice what I had and sound clear and crisp. the amp is a very nice amp. It has nice features and self diagnostics.

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