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I need a bigger driveway...

Guest Anonymous

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Damn.. good find!

I assume that's just a regular 3.1? There's one that looks exactly like that here in town.


You could always send that 89 GP my way.. you know.. if the driveway is a bit overcrowded.. :lol:

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Guest Anonymous
How are you getting home? And why no pics of the damage? Sell your 94 cutlass


I have wheels for it. My cousin owns a car lot and is going to bring it home with a tow dolly.


Why sell the Cutlass? Do you want it?

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Does that girl even know what she's talking about? Frame? What frame? Then she's talking about power options on a Ford? blasphemy! Think of a world where chevy, jeeps and ford parts interchange! That's no world for you and me my friends! :)

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yeah I saw that Shawn. Maybe she used them to drive or something. Or, maybe she thought they looked good, cuz she was too cheap to buy a steering wheel cover.



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What did she think she was going to accomplish by magic markering the steering wheel?

People are so damn stupid! She'd better have some excuse like "my kids did it" or "I was really wasted this one time..." Something of that nature. Oh yeah, I'll trade you straight up redturbo: your '89 for mine. I'll even leave my rims...like that would make the sell, haha.



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hey turdsie boy how fars that from ur house? haha 3 gp's thats awesome. id love to see u get that thing on the road....THREE grand prixs. i think that makes the w-body record. yeah i noticed the markering on the steering wheel. also yeah why is she talking abhout the fram and why is there an airbox on the ground? fishy......good buy though

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Send it down here, I'll take it! Actually my bro in law really could use one.


is your bro in law still needing a car!?!?! this is the one with teh junked up bronco no? or am i confusing people in my drunken state? ( there is nothin glike drinking on a thursday! college is great)

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Send it down here, I'll take it! Actually my bro in law really could use one.


good luck getting it there, between the PS pump, the rattle, and this new mysterious electrical drain it should go a good 40 miles before it takes a shit somewhere. its pointless to ship it the car runs fine it just needs these few repairs simple to the do-it-yourselfer but expensive at the mechanic.

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