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Other colors


If other colors were available, which would you choose...  

  1. 1. If other colors were available, which would you choose...

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If other colors would have been available on the TGP, I wonder which one would have been the best seller or the coolest...Which one would you have chosen?

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I would probably choose a shade of gray, silver, or possibly the "blue-black" metallic used on late model GP's(not sure if that's the actual name of it, but a lot of people refer to it as that).

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Have a Folder of TGP Pics


all the colours i have seen them in.






I remember seeing that...I think it was a photoshop, but I can't remember who posted it.

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I thought that Yellow one was infact real......it was a black TGP painted yellow by some crazy person.


ether or its :shock: loud


That is an obvious photoshop :wink: If you noticed, everything has a yellow tint, all the red was taken out of the picture. Yellow grass! :shock:

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None of those colors really work for me. I could go for white like many of the 88-90 SE's had. 8) By the way, my name is Nick and I'm new here. :) I'm hoping to buy a TGP sometime this summer. Anyway I'll stop rambling now. :lol:

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