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i still like phoenix gold

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i made a post i think around christmas time about what kind of amp i should get my gf. i had my choices pretty much narrowed down to a memphis 250d or a PG xenon 400.1.


i was leaning a bit towards the memphis because somewhere i'd heard that PG's stuff had dropped a bit in quality. i have to say i can't see any.


what really sold me on the PG amp was the fact that it had load management and as far as i can tell, the memphis does not.


so anyhow, i finally got it and the infinity subs in today and i'm extremely happy wit the sound quality and amount of bass. especially cine the subs are just reference 4 ohm svc.


so if anyone was having any doubts about pg xenon amps, i'll recommend them any time :thumbsup:


I never really heard too much about those amps...


Glad to hear everything is working for ya and sounds good. Infinity does make some pretty decent stuff for the price.



I still like my eD :)


i thought about getting an eD 9two or whatever it is.


but i decided i'd rather have a mono class d amp.


And I'll meet you both in the middle......I use A PG amp to power my eD sub...lol



But god my amp was expensive when it was new!!


I got a good deal on the eD stuff I bought. Thats one cool thing, they take care of their customers.


I still need to get another amp and component set. Speaking of that, hows your 6500's holding up? (I plan on getting the 6500's with 9.4)

hows your 6500's holding up? (I plan on getting the 6500's with 9.4)


Ummmm........I cant put them into words so I'll just say :peace: :fruity: :thumbsup: :willynilly: :yikes: :mrgreen: :worship:


i assume that's a 6.5 component set? how are the 5.25 comp sets? that's what i'll be putting in my car next. if their prices aren't too outrageous i'll give them a shot


yeah its the 6.5" component set. They have two versions, 6000's and 6500's. The 6500 is more of the top of line of what they have, but the 6000's are still very good.



package deals for the 6000's: http://edesignaudio.com/product.php?cid=12&pid=28&tab=Packages&cur=USD


package deal for the 6500's: http://edesignaudio.com/product.php?cid=14&pid=29&tab=Packages&cur=USD




If you have 5.25" I duno if they will fit since there 6.5" But you can give em a shot. Or contact them and see what they would have to say.


bah. that's way too much for me to spend on something i've never heard with my own ears. if i'm going to spen that much i'm going to get a set of aura components or something.


and since i'm never going to compete in something like a w, all to gether it would be pretty pointless. i'm thinking i'll hit ebay and spen 200 max on a set of kappa perfects or something like that


Infinity components arnt bad at all. Id get those if I wasnt gonan get eD. But eD is more of a SQ and will sound better than the Infinity's but youll pay for it. But yeah most people wont pay that much just to upgrade for something better than stock.


that's pretty much all i'm looking for. i'm a big sq guy, but right now all i want is great sound. i don't need to have the BEST sound

bah. that's way too much for me to spend on something i've never heard with my own ears. if i'm going to spen that much i'm going to get a set of aura components or something.


and since i'm never going to compete in something like a w, all to gether it would be pretty pointless. i'm thinking i'll hit ebay and spen 200 max on a set of kappa perfects or something like that


I like the way you think :thumbsup:


But if you want a totally unbiased "Professional" opinion try reading the article that Performance auto and sound did on the 6500 set....the link is at the bottom of this page.



I myself have had a set of CDT components and these blow them out of the water. I even had a local Alpine dealer say they liked these more than the Alpine Type X set that he had installed in his car.


I was able to fit 6.5's in my doors. Assuming you dont mind mounting them the way I did.


Thats one of the reasons why I went with eD cause of all the great reviews they have of almost every product that has gotten reviewed!!!


iwouldn't mind 6.5s, but i would be making kick panels for them instead of cutting into my door.


oh and i was looking at the package deal prices at the bottom of the page in the link 19cutlass94 posted :oops: .


125 bucks isn't at all beyond what i wold spend on a decent set of components. and if i was impressed, i wouldn't even mind upgrading to the 6500s.


but, i am always leer of investing in a brand i'm not familiar with. especially one that's fairly new to the market.


still, with you guys so pleased with them and with such good reviews, i might be convinced to give them a shot.


Heres what some people had to say about the 6000's:




I mean like puggsley456 told me when I was looking for subs, check out the forum and what people think. I think youll be impressed with not only their products, but there customer service is the absolute best by far.



Sorry I posted you links with package deals and not the 6000's/6500's themselves :oops:


i think if they make some decent 8" subs i'm sold.


what about dealers? do they have any yet? i hate having to ship stuff when it's broken


oh i'm not worried about damage. i just hate having to wait from replacements. i'm impatient like that :lol:


I have been checkin out some shit by elemental designs, the protos I think and they look pretty trick! and that flat face 15 tried to hit pretty low I must say and looked like it had some good excursion. just from what I saw on those realm of excursion vids.


have you seen those prototype 12s though?

i think if they make some decent 8" subs i'm sold.


what about dealers? do they have any yet? i hate having to ship stuff when it's broken


They dont have any dealers in the US. But they are verry speedy in shipping. One time they even shipped out a replacement sub for a warrantied one a soon as they got the tracking number. They didnt even wait to get it before sending out the new one.


Their customer service is the best I have ever seen. They called me when I had some questions and proceeded to discuss various topics for nearly an hour.


I'm considering making the trek down for their anual meet in IOWA in June.


i'm pretty sure i'm going to give them a shot. i'll at least try their components.


i've got a 50x4 memphis amp sitting around so we'll see how that does with them

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