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Need all data/info on Speedo Problems! to fight a ticket...

Crazy K

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Mine malfunctioned, and I got a ticket...


In my sincere desire to fight an erroneous ticket

I would like anyone who has ever had a speedo problem to post, and state:

the year

the make

the model

base cluster or deluxe cluster

what the issue is

was it/how was it fixed


This is so I can prove that our cars speedos sometimes fail.

Please serious posts only. thank you.

I might have to meet a judge with this.

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My 94 Cutlass with the "Rally" setup jumps gears sometimes..


I can be going say 30, and it will snap right up to 35 or 40, then it goes down to below 30.. the issue comes and goes like bad gas, but it is annoying sometimes.. SO I really dont go by what my speedo says.. May as well not have one.. As far as a fix, I am sure a new speedometer in the dash, or a new cluster would cure it..

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That happened to a buddy of mine, where it was reading slower than he was actually going. Basically, around here, you only have one time to use method to get out of the ticket, but you take your car into a place that tests the speedometers, and they will give you a paper showing how much off the speedometer is. than you send in that paper, and a letter explaining guilty with explination. As long as you were not actually speeding, acording to the speedometer, the ticket gets thrown out, and you dont have to pay it, and there is nothing that goes on your record.

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When I drove Josh's TSTE to Colorado I had the Snap On scanner hooked up to it to set the cruise control.

The ECM saw 70 MPH from the speedo gear, but when traveling 70 the inst cluster/visual speedometer read 90 MPH. in summary, the speedo read 20 mph higher than actual vehicle speed.

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My '91 the wiring was all hacked up and not giving the speedo a proper signal. The needle would sometimes jump up and down, say I was going 10 mph on the interstate and sometimes not work at all. Had a mechanic fix it and all he did was electrical tape the wires together. Wintertime came and the salt got in there and i had the problem again. Took the tire off and looked at the VSS wiring in shock. Replaced all the wiring and haven't had the problem since.


the year: 1991

the make: Chevrolet

the model: Lumina (W-Body platform)

base cluster or deluxe cluster: Deluxe

what the issue is: Faulty wiring

was it/how was it fixed: Raplaced wiring



Good luck with this, I too am currently fighting a ticket driving my g/f's car I got picked up doing 85 because I was passing a fucking truck throwing rocks at the car :evil:

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you're not going to get anywhere with an argument's supporting facts on a malfunctioning speedo coming from random members of an internet forum...


you're going to need some actual proof... proof of YOUR speedo malfunctioning or being inproperly calibrated...


and in most cases, our speedos read faster than we're actually going, soo..

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and in most cases, our speedos read faster than we're actually going, soo..




My speedo reads about 3mph faster than my HUD (which I beleive is correct).


And in my old car when I changed the MEMCAL the VSS needed changing too, so the speedo read much higher than normal.


Anyways how much over the speed limit were you going? Don't say that you didn't know :roll:

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i got a warning for doing 73mph when i thought i was doing 60mph in my 95 chevy lumina.. didnt make much sense to me.

also actual ticket he said i was doing 70mph but cruse was on 60mph since he didnt actualy gun me. he lowered it to a 65mph ticket. it was a county road speed limit was 55mph. there is no rhyme or reson for it. i think its faulty police equipment if you ask me.. can you really tell how fast someone is going. was it raining? other elements can effect those police guns

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I doubt you will get anywhere with that argument, and guaranteed you will not get anywhere talking to a judge. Not sure about Ohio, but judges around here won't even listen to you unless you're in a trial, and in a trial, the DA will have counterarguments why you shouldn't have been speeding or will outright accuse you of lying about your speedo problems.


Seriously, your best bet is just to talk to the DA and see if you can plea it down to probation. Either that or hire an attorney (who will just talk to the DA and plea it down on your behalf).

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If you wanna win, you have to introduce a reasonable doubt that their evidence is flawed.


I won a speeding case, so I know.


I won based on the training requirments for operating a radar gun.

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That happened to a buddy of mine, where it was reading slower than he was actually going. Basically, around here, you only have one time to use method to get out of the ticket, but you take your car into a place that tests the speedometers, and they will give you a paper showing how much off the speedometer is. than you send in that paper, and a letter explaining guilty with explination. As long as you were not actually speeding, acording to the speedometer, the ticket gets thrown out, and you dont have to pay it, and there is nothing that goes on your record.


That is correct. Have done it 4 times befor for other cars.

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you're not going to get anywhere with an argument's supporting facts on a malfunctioning speedo coming from random members of an internet forum...


you're going to need some actual proof... proof of YOUR speedo malfunctioning or being inproperly calibrated...


and in most cases, our speedos read faster than we're actually going, soo..


This is also correct. But dont admit to the fact that you had prior knoledge of the speedo being off. Otherwise you are admitting to driving a car with a faulty issue, and a potential safety hazard.

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you're not going to get anywhere with an argument's supporting facts on a malfunctioning speedo coming from random members of an internet forum...


you're going to need some actual proof... proof of YOUR speedo malfunctioning or being inproperly calibrated...


and in most cases, our speedos read faster than we're actually going, soo..


This is also correct. But dont admit to the fact that you had prior knoledge of the speedo being off. Otherwise you are admitting to driving a car with a faulty issue, and a potential safety hazard.


The speedo being off isn't going to do a damn thing people.

Just cause you didn't know you were speeding dosn't mean they can't site you for it. You have to go after their evidence.

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Thats not true. If you have no knoledge of your cars speedo being off, then how are you ever going to find out unless you get a ticket. As I mentioned befor, I have gotten out of 4 tickets (4 diferent counties thankfully) with just a sheet of paper from the highway patrol stateing my speedo was off by X% or X MPH. it does work, but that doesnt mean the judge will go for it. mine did, doesnt mean yours will.

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Thats not true. If you have no knoledge of your cars speedo being off, then how are you ever going to find out unless you get a ticket. As I mentioned befor, I have gotten out of 4 tickets (4 diferent counties thankfully) with just a sheet of paper from the highway patrol stateing my speedo was off by X% or X MPH. it does work, but that doesnt mean the judge will go for it. mine did, doesnt mean yours will.


If you get a easy judge... good for you... I wouldn't bank on it though. I always plan for the worst.

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Bring it to a mechanic that will write up a paper saying that it is malfunctional. They will probably give you a fix-it-ticket. Than you jsut fix it and you'll have no problems!

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I know that alot of cops use thier judgement instead of their speed guns, the older models are only acurate within 5 mph I believe, If you were clocked with the new laser radar your fucked. My friend and I have been pulled over and actually fought the ticket and won (luckly for us we didn't get the other ticket, we were all drinking bacarti 151 and had half a bottle left in the car when we were pulled over, he punched it and they couldn't clock him so they had no proof he was speeding or accelerating wrecklessly) If they did the radar by judgement (lazy cops will) you will be able to get out of the ticket by asking the judge what the accuracy of the radar or judgement is... maybe if he used judgement ask him to prove his accuracy, it can be done on your side.


hope this helps, good luck.


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