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Custom oil supply line questions...


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What size of line should be used? I remember reading somewhere that if too much oil pressure is supplied to the turbo that it can actually burn up the bearings faster. Any truth to this? Is it something I should worry about?

For the most part I would have thought that the more oil flowing through the turbo the better. Im going to be using a TGP turbo setup in my beretta but I probably wont be using the T25 unless I can find one soon. Im leaning towards a Saab T3 or TD04-13G, but we'll see.

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I know autometer makes a 6ft oil line that works perfectly for a T3 turbo.



Autometer P/N 3228 (am THINK this is the correct one) its like $40



The performance shops locally to me carry it. look locally online shops also have them just have to make sure this is the correct one i am (90% sure its the correct one).



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I have never heard of too much oil pressure burns out turbo bearings. I have two turbo cars and both have 3/8 oil feed lines going to the turbo. As long as the return line is bigger than the feed line you won't have a problem. :) :) :)

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I have never heard of too much oil pressure burns out turbo bearings. I have two turbo cars and both have 3/8 oil feed lines going to the turbo. As long as the return line is bigger than the feed line you won't have a problem. :) :) :)


allways make sure you don't bottle neck he return. it should be i think a 1/4" straight dump. it works on gravity so be sure you don't kink the hose to give it a straight flow out of the trubo.



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