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Car wont start, first time ever


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Hey yall


Went out to start her up today. we had 70 deg saturday, then snow sunday, so I didnt drive her since like sat night.


WEnt out, all electronics worked fine. Stereo came on, antenna up, keyless entry, all lights and bells.


Turn the key, just clicking.


turned on headlamps, worked fine, but really couldnt tell if they were dim or not.


So we tried to jump it with my brothers car. No go ( i am trying again at when I get home, supposedly I was on a painted area ). Then, dad (whos my mechanic too) said to smack the starter, caus it sounds like a bad starter, not the batery.


So heres my questions

1) What do yall think?

2) Where is the starter, he said "up front"

3) Should I replace the starter? He said this is really random, and only have to replace if you constantly do this

4) What should I use as my ground. I was using this peice of metal that sticks up from the block, but its painted black and yellow, from Oldsmobile.



I did spray down the engine bay REALLY Lightly only like the block, and that was on last monday, no probs all week.


If I dont get it started from my few tries when I get home, Ill check here. But please let me know what yall think so I can take action on getting new parts or something.



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When you turn the key, does it click once with the key or does it click many times with the key turned. If it only clicks once with the key turned, grab a BFH and whack the starter a few times. If it clicks many times with the key turned, I'd be looking at a battery problem. :) :)

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1. Bad starter.

2. Yes, up front, not far from the oil filter.

3. If it's really the starter, I would replace it. An unreliable starter is probably worse than a bad one, because you never know when it'll leave you stranded.

4. Ground for jump starting? Well, I'm anal and I don't like to mess up painted parts, so I usually use the nut on the dogbone or one of the strut tower nuts as a ground. I've never had trouble jump starting that way.


Good luck! Starters aren't fun on these cars. Mainly because you have to lay upside-down holding and squeezing the thing in around the subframe and radiator fans. It wouldn't be so bad except it weighs about 25 lbs (I think) and it's a pain holding something that heavy in one hand while upside-down for very long.

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Sounds like my moms caravan when the starter went bad every now and then usually when it was damp or raining. Eventually it got to the point where it would just click the first 5 or 6 times she turned the ignition (but it would eventually start). After my dad replaced the starter it started right on the first turn with no problem. I would replace the starter but first double check that there are no loose connections.


I just jumped a car yesterday and put the ground right on the painted ledge where the hood latch is and it worked fine. I have never thought of using a nut or bolt, but better safe then sorry maybe I'll try it next time.

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OK!! all done!!


Well, got home. Tried to start again, only many clicks, while key was down. Hit starter for a few times. Then nothing


Then, smacked it into submission again, more clicks.


So then I asked stepdad to hook his batery up, since the batery was about dead (lights dimming, etc).


Started up on first try. So it was the starter, then battery lost juice. Well, I let it run for about 20minutes, then cut off, then started RIGHT BACK UP...YEEHAAWWW


At school, I did some research, found location, etc. While my dad said it didnt need replaceing (caus this was the first ever, just will be random), he just said to carry a hammer in the trunk.


Oh, and used the bolt for the dogbone.


I was able to smack it from the top, using a hammer and broomstick. I have a tire-iron (stock one) in the car I can use with the hammer on the road. I also found a way to get to it from the botom, but was wearing a nice shirt today, so i didnt try that


Now what are some resonamble prices for starters? And should I replace the battery since it was low today?



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Battery I have no clue on age, but rather new looking (i havent replaced it, dont feel like looking through records). Im sure itsless than a year old, it looks brand new.


Never had to jump it before, and pretty sure almost never jumped before I had it, no problems ever..



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Well I wouldn't replace it unless it starts not being able to hold a charge I'm not sure of my battery's age either, but last year I left my dome light on for a day or two and killed the battery. It was completely dead but I jumped it and have not had a problem with it since. If you havn't had to jump it alot it should be fine, they will get bad if they constantly get drained and have to be jumped.

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Well, guess what


Went to my dads shop today, just to check the voltage on the Battery. It was fine, 12v. But when the machine applied a load, went down to about 9-10v. Then, we started the car, and 12v, so that means the alternator wasnt causing a problem (i remmeber these cars a famous for eating up alternators).


Well, this means a I need a new battery. Start pulling stuff off, and the Positive post falls offf!!!! NO KIDDING! Basicly, it had started leaking, and corroded the post out of it. So under it the paint was all torn and rusted, one bolt was broke. So, went and got a NAPA Legend 7575 (orig that I pulled was an ACDelco Preofesional). Pluged it back in, and it fired right up. I was worried about the THEFTLOCK on the stereo, but it was fine.


Also, this solved my problem with the dimming lights (lights dim when you have stereo on, lights on, brake on, lights dim with the bass). Also, for some reason, it started much faster (wasnt slow before, just started with more Ommph), and for some reason, just felt faster/smoother (prob just placebo).


Thanks for you help though yall. This was a first for me (chaning the battery). Also, since I had most of it off, I cleaned up in that side. When I take the airbox off soon, im going to do more, and then eventually Mean Green it, and then detail/dress it



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Ah, I've had that problem too. With 2 different brands of batteries. The positive terminal tends to corrode internally on these side-post batteries. That's great that's all it was!

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I just got my alt. replaced like 3 months ago and my lights still dim when the brakes are applied. I'm guessin it could be the battery. My question is though will a not so good battery affect my alternator? Common sense says it will because it has to work harder but just was wonderin cause I don't wanna shell out the dough right now. I think the battery is at least a few years old.

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Yes a bad battery will cause erratic alt. problems. Without the juice from the battery, the alternator can't get a measurement of how charged it is. If the regulator in the alt. loses its ground, the alt. will go into a full field charge state and fry some things. In your case the battery is probably reading the right voltage but probably low on amps. The lights dim probably because of the low amperage in the battery. The alternator supplies enough power to supply the motor, battery, and accessories. When the battery isn't there to supply the extra power needed for the amps being drawn. the alt will only supply a given amount of power at a given amount of RPM's.




Hope this helps you :!: :) :) :)

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The Battery I got (Napa Legend series...7575) said on it that it was made for more modern cars with accereies and that.


Also, about the lights dimming...its also normal (somewhat). My dad was mentioning this the other day. While it doesnt happen to everyone, our 91 Lumina we had did, and his 87 Regal and 86 Silverado both do (both have custom systems too though). Its just that your pulling a ton of power, which it may not have. I just noticed mine went down,



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