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Help with wiring

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

I have a smalll issue i need to work out...


Saturday i am going to be installing my iPod interface, which i am going to hardwire. It connects to ACCY, 12V (constant) and the ground. Right now my radio's accy wire alreasy has the sirius on it. This would also be the easiest location to hook the ipod interface into.


Do you think it would be an overload? I'm not sure where else i could possibly splice this into... maybe the DIC harness, but i'd have to tear everything apart to do that.


Do you think i could add it onto the radio circuit or whate else would you reccomend?


how about the wiper circuit? it is powered up in accesory and run, just like the radio circuit.

Guest Anonymous

i'd have to take my whole dash apart for that as well.. I'm really at a loss for now.


Try just running it to where you want it connected and turn everything one...if the fuse pops then there's too much load. I know this is a fairly dumb way to figure it out, but I dunno what else. If it was me, I'd wire it up to my fuse block in my center console....I dunno, I doubt the Sirius and iPod interface will take too much current

Guest Anonymous

thats what im gonna do.... and take it from there. The only thing that is really taking power is either the brain of it of the LCD screen... it shouldnt be too bad.

you could use the switch feed to operate a relay if the power is too much.


Good idea...this is what I've used to feed my fuse block, works awesome!



Ross, be sure to post pics would you get it all installed!!! I've interested to see how it will look

Guest Anonymous

I ended up doing this:


For the ground and accessory wires, i spliced in where my sirius is hooked up, going into the radio receiver thingy.


For the 12V, i spliced into the 12v line for the dome lights. I found the wire bundle running under the passenger door trim to the rear reading lights, and spliced in there.


I'll post pics later, ive got some errands to run after lunch. The the controler is by my shifter, the brain console is in the glovebox, and the LCD display is in the OHC. I ran the ipod cable to my center console storage for easy acess to the iPod.

Guest Anonymous

i've got pics, but photobucket is being gay and wont load the upload page.

Guest Anonymous

photobucket still is NOT working... im gonna try once more. I also have to tint it tomorrow with the orange.


The only problem i have with the unit is that the FM modulation SUCKS!!! Its is so staticy, cuts in and out, it sucks. The sirius modulates great though. I'm going to have to get the wired modulator from radioshack though.


Shitty about the modulation....are you sure Sirius isn't interfering with it (frequencies close together while both are on at the same time?)


You're lucky your Sirius works....mine is shit and I ended up buying a Belkin TuneCast and modding it.

Guest Anonymous

The sirius works great. i can't complain about the sound on that, but the iPod thing could benefit from a wired FM modulater.

FM modulators in general suck my ass. Then again, I'm really picky.

they blow into mine.... even worse :puke:

I'm attempting to build an input for the regular gm radio. give me time.

Guest Anonymous

FWIW, my 95 Grand Prix had an audio in module wired into the factory CD deck.. It sat underneath the dash.


Are you talking about an adapter that plugs into the 9 pin connector on the back of your radio??? 94 did not have, but 95+ did have these pins, whether they were tape deck or not.

In my experimentations, cd radios can hook to external tape decks, but not tape deck radios. (someine did have a factory tape player for a GP with an external OEM external cd changer and a long ass wire. in the for sale section)


plug in, or FM modulated?


Guest Anonymous

it was a hardwired device... it was a black box with a jack and saud AUX IN and had a black button, i guess to turn it on. It was clearly and aftermarket device. I never used it. It also had an orange light that when you pressed the button, it came on. It was found dangling under my dash. I have no idea how it was rigged up. Im sorry i dont have any pics of it. It was strange, though.


I know they sell a device that seems to imply that you need the external tape deck for it to work.

And Ive seen devices similiar to what you may have had... probably a simple fm modulator that taps the antenna line.


Wow, I didn't know his SN was deleted! :shock:

I didn't think they deleted screen names here, just CH'd them indef...

So I guess they banned his IP range than huh...


yeah. He basically attacked a mod and brought up their personal problems.


It's too bad, he was an interesting guy.

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