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Looking at my sig for so long and wanting to do the RS conversion on my car (now that it's suoopsed to warm up!) I want a pushbumper.... Well, more like a safari bar.. Where can I get a relitavely small one that wont look like ass for cheap?

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what the hell is an "RS Conversion"?? I have never heard of a Lumina RS let alone a conversion into one....


RS: Rally Sport :wink:

No shit there is no such thing, I rally cross my car all over the place out here becuase like 60% of the roads are dirt, and I figured FTW why not :lol:


Dave: That is an awesome site with alot of cool shit! I bookmarked it for future reference, definately badass stuff there!


Kinda looking for something like this (but not $300! lol) good for tapping/pushing things around and a good mounting point for some lights too!


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I think if you get the impala ones, you could do it with minimal mod's.


that's one of my fav' sites on the net - I've bought a bunch of junk from them (like a couple pairs of shooting gloves and such)



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if you get a pushbumper... you better get some kind of undercover rounded globe light like the undercover cops have haha... i dare you to try and pull someone over one day lol.


I wish my lumina looked like that cop one in your sig.. i could rig up the lights, and people already tell me they think my car is a cop car when i come down the street hahaha. Imagine if i had a light bar on the roof and a pushbumper on mine... at night with red paint ppl dont know better.

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I've pulled people over in my car before :lol:


Dont get caught doin that dude, people dont take lightly to stuff like that anymore


What exactly are you planning on pushing? :roll:

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i had 9c1 pushbars on my 91 caprice and wound up helping a kid in a broken lumina get his car out of harm's way and into a parking lot. and i pushed a couple cars up onto trailers with them. that, and it totally looked like a cop car with the pushbars and black wheels and whip antennas so i never got pulled over :lol:

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