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UB3 Digital on OBDII system

Dirty Rockstar

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I have been told a UB3 in an OBDII car is possible.. I am just wanting now a community consensus.. I see a couple of you 94 Cutty guys running around with it in your car now, which is running OBD1.5.. As I understand, OBD1.5 is similar to the OBDII system.. If anyone can shed some light on this, that would be awesome! Thanks!


Also, I know the DIS' "Fuel Economy" won't work.. this is not a DIS question.. Just a UB3 one.. THanks again..

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from what i understand everything will work on the ub3 aside form the tach.


you need a pic 16f84 programmed to translate the obdII signal to obdI so the ub3 can read it.


i've been working on one for a couple months now to integrate into my adapters for some of the guys on l67swap.com, but i have quite a bit more work to do. i also need to get a programmer instead of using the one that belongs to a guy i know that works for a puter repair shop

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That would be awesome, as soon as it's completed I know who I'll be asking to purchase one. I'm looking forward to it; good luck with that. I'd like either an L36 or L67 in my Regal, but I want the fully working UB3. I just swapped in the UB3 for that reason, the tach, so it would be redundant of me to not have it working.

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... Just when I thought there was a little hope. It would be nice to have a fully functional UB3 w/ the OBD-II system, oh well. You think that people would at least try to help our fellow W-Body community members. Maybe he'll have a change of heart. :shrug:

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