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serviceing a factory CD deck

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alright i have a factory lumina cd deck, it seems to work fine for the radio and such, but the cd mechanism is all messed up. it ejects whenever it feels like, accepts cd's on the same merrit. and often times i have to turn the deck on and off multiple times to get the cd-mechanism to do anything. and i have yet to have it play a cd.


i understand that the guy lukez34 listed to get reman units from no longer does them.


is there any way i can service this cd mechanism, there are also 6 small potientometers on the side of the cd mechanism, what do those do?


and if not, does anyone still service these units???


The last I heard is that some guy out in Indiana or somewhere repaired the units by putting in drive mechanisms from newer CD players. That's all I could ever find out. Everyone else just wanted to make me pay $250 for them to fix it.


so in theory i could use a cd mechanism from a newer (95-up) delco deck?


I've heard you can use a mechanism from a slave cd player from say like a Suburban.....however I dunno if it's true or not

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