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My new Alarm

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well, i picked my car up from the shop today...new alarm is pretty sweet...Viper 5000 with 2 way responder remote...here are some pics:





Nice! We have the Clifford version of your Viper installed in the Impala (same alarm, different "badging" - DEI owns both Clifford and Viper.) The range on that sucker is insane! Fuckin thing has an optional "OnStar" type of service you can add onto it as well.


So how much did it run you? You didn't install it yourself, did you? (Although it's probably alot easier for a DIY'er to install one of those in a non-BCM equipped car like your Cutty.)


Oh yeah, and the transmitter chews through batteries like candy. Not even Lithium AAA's last very long...


cost $425 installed after taxes and everything...yeah, i read about that GPS tracking feature, but i believe u have to pay every month for the service, so i'll skip that...thanks for the tip about the batteries, i'll have to be sure and keep an eye on it and change it when it gets low...could suck if the battery died when i was out somewhere and the alarm was set... :lol: ...well, i guess there's alwayz the valet button... :bash:


Yeah, there's a monthly fee after you spring for the extra equipment to be added onto your alarm. I think we paid $775 total for ours. The alarm itself was $499, and the transponder bypass for the Imp was another $89. Then the installation took 5 hours, so we were charged accordingly. It's worth every penny if you ask me!


Be sure to tell your insurance company that you have an alarm installed in your car so they can give you a discount...


sweeet!...i was wondering if i would get a discount on insurance!...prolly won't be much though...do u have to show proof that u have the alarm installed or just tell em?...


I think we had to give the model name & number of the alarm and that was it. We never had to show them any proof of purchase or anything.


I'm not even sure how much of a discount they give us. The dollar amount isn't listed in the policy at all.

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