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best component setup for front 95 GP

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Alright so I'm thinking about upgrading my front speakers, cause the factory ones absolutely suck dirty balls.


I know that it already has some sort of seperate woofer and tweeter, not that it matters.


I'd really like to have the tweeter on the A-pillar, and the woofer in the door. The speaker placement in 94-96 GPs is so stupid.


Anyways what speakers sound good and don't cost a fortune? I'm thinking maybe Infinity??


infinity's sound great for the most part. sometimes the tweeters sound a bit tinny, but i would still recommend them.


how much are you budgeting for this? most of the other stuff i would recommend is going to cost more than infinity


I dunno... list what you think is good along with prices. Ultimatly I'll have to listen to something similar at a stereo shop and see how they sound for the price. If it's REALLY worth it, I'll spend the money....


well let's see...


there's memphis power refernce series and m class series. the power reference is going to be a little cheaper, but you have to check a local dealer because they don't sell over the web.


or if you can find depth charge components, they're pretty good. memphis makes those, too, for the more budget-oriented customer


aura components are probably the best sounding i've ever heard. they could easily run you 300 plus.


diamond makes great components. if you can find a set with a warranty on ebay, grab them. i think they range from 100 bucks on up


and then there's phoenix gold. i would get maybe last year's models if you can. i hear this year they've had a slight drop off in quality. i don't know if that pertains to their amps or speakers. i like their zr6 line. i think you can get those for less than 100 bucks


Hmm well I guess I'll have to go to some shops and listen to some different brands.

I'm not really a car audio nut so I don't know most of the brands you posted :oops:


100bucks would be good.. that includes the crossover right?


I'll likely power it with my Kenwood 800w amp (150w?x2 RMS).


yeah component sets include crossovers. you'd only have to buy crossovers if you pieced together a component set yourself.

Alright so I'm thinking about upgrading my front speakers, cause the factory ones absolutely suck dirty balls.


I know that it already has some sort of seperate woofer and tweeter, not that it matters.


I'd really like to have the tweeter on the A-pillar, and the woofer in the door. The speaker placement in 94-96 GPs is so stupid.


Anyways what speakers sound good and don't cost a fortune? I'm thinking maybe Infinity??

So the '95 factory speakers suck? Mine were pretty nice for 1990 they just have no low end. they sound pretty nice if you keep the lows x-ed out. they must have changed the speaker placement because I thought they were like every other W body, pointing up at the windshield. Placing aftermarket tweeters on the a pillar would be pretty dumb if you think about it. I dont know though, you got a pic of your dash?


why would it be dumb? it would be good for imaging. and the drivers could be angled a little up more, too.


also, 94+ cars didn't get dash speakers. unless maybe the gen 1.5s did


good imaging? How could it be better imaging than angling it off the windshield and right at your face? I take pride in not cluttering up the dash with dumb looking tweeter pods and speaker grilles. But thats me.

Alright so I'm thinking about upgrading my front speakers, cause the factory ones absolutely suck dirty balls.


I know that it already has some sort of seperate woofer and tweeter, not that it matters.


I'd really like to have the tweeter on the A-pillar, and the woofer in the door. The speaker placement in 94-96 GPs is so stupid.


Anyways what speakers sound good and don't cost a fortune? I'm thinking maybe Infinity??

So the '95 factory speakers suck? Mine were pretty nice for 1990 they just have no low end. they sound pretty nice if you keep the lows x-ed out. they must have changed the speaker placement because I thought they were like every other W body, pointing up at the windshield. Placing aftermarket tweeters on the a pillar would be pretty dumb if you think about it. I dont know though, you got a pic of your dash?


94-96 They got crappy speakers in the doors, and if your knee is against the door it blocks the sound. My old car (88 Grand Prix) had way better sounding factory speakers than this car has, and yeah that car had 6 speaker including the dash (which I liked).


Really what I'm kinda going for is similar to a Cadillac CTS with subwoofer in the rear deck for some extra bass, speakers in the doors and in the A-pillar which don't look dumb.


I'd be fibreglassing some new a-pillars and get the bodyshop to paint them tan to match the rest of my interior, no ghetto crap in my car.


What I woulda done if I had kept my 95 GP was mount a set of 6.5 components in the same location as the speakers in the Regals and Cuttys (down in the lower corner of the door.) I wanted to destroy those stupid speaker pods that were right next to your knee! :x That has to be the most retarded location to mount a set of speakers in a door panel!!!


If the inner door "frame" is the same on the GP's as the Cuttys & Regals (I had my GP's door panel off before but for the life of me can't remember if it's the same) you should be able to stick a set of 6.5's in the "superior" location.


i have in infinity kappa 6.5 components hoooked up to an audiobahn 600watt amp and they sound very nice!...i would deffinatly recommend the infinity's...they are a bit pricey though :?

I buying a set of elemental design 6500's this week for $250. Ohhhh I cant wait......





HELL YEAH!!!!!!! Those will be thrown in my car rather soon, after my new computer :D


94+ cars didn't get dash speakers


Mines a '94 and I have 4" dash speakers..........


If the inner door "frame" is the same on the GP's as the Cuttys & Regals (I had my GP's door panel off before but for the life of me can't remember if it's the same) you should be able to stick a set of 6.5's in the "superior" location.


Got cupholder?? LOL


Kinda S.O.L. as far as that goes... but I think I could probably custom mount a midrange up higher (like where the tweeter is) and that would be more out of the way..



can you fit it right above the cup holder there?


That IS where the factory speakers are... and if you look closely you can see the woofer and that's right where your knee hits it!


yeah I noticed that but theres gotta be some way you can make it fit in there!


Yeah I want to put the midrange woofer in there. I might just move it towards the front more, make some sort of custom bracet behind the plastic.


whyy not just make kick panels for them? then you can aim them wherever you want, and you'll have a sealed encolsure

whyy not just make kick panels for them? then you can aim them wherever you want, and you'll have a sealed encolsure


What you mean on the floor? No, I don't like that idea...

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