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Starting Problem

95 Cutlass Drop Top

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Sometimes my cutty won't start, I'll put the key in turn it on and nothing, it doesn't make a clicking noise or nothing. Take the key out a couple of times or just keep trying with the key in and eventually it starts. What could be my prob?

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RedTurbo is right... it could be a couple of things:

- the clicking sound is the starter solenoid; that can be from age of the starter

- also, check age of battery since starter doesn't have enough power to crank motor over

I had both go out around the same time period. Check 'em out, and see where that gets you; hopefully you'll land out on top!


- RedFox340

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NO NO, and NO! I can get this: It's your pass-key theft system. Your key is worn out and the chip makes poor contact with the ign switch, causing this to happen. This occured with 1 key on my mom's '95 sedan.

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Guest Anonymous
I'll agree with Brian, because he says he hears nothing, not even clicking. And it starts at random times.




Mine did that and it was the starter.

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I'll agree with Brian, because he says he hears nothing, not even clicking. And it starts at random times.




Mine did that and it was the starter.


Yeah if the solenoid went out it would do that



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i think its the starter also...when my friends 92's firebird had a problem like that he would goto his car and turn the key and nothing, so he'd waiut like 10 mins and try it again and then it'd work. i dontknow if the waiting had anything to do with getting the starter to turn but he has pass-key and it sounded similar to ur problem

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I had this problem with my '95 and replaced the starter in error. it was key/ignition related. the wiring at the ignition cylinder was broken from repeated use and the theft system was unable to read the resistance of the key. the security light would flah occasionally, but no hard codes were stored. you may need an ignition cylinder and or keys. I disabled my system rather than screw with a new cylinder.

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I would most definetly agree that its the pass key, the chip on the key is just a resistor of a sort and after puting the key in and out a ton of times the resistance change because the chip is being worn down. the reason it works sometime can simply be things like salt from you fingers on the chip, humidity or other things that can alter the resistance levels. if you have a multimeter put one lead on one side and one on the other side of the chip to measure the ohms, then measure it on your spare key to see the difference. this happed to me and after installing the car starter in my car I knew how to diagnose it. good luck


:?: does any body know if disabiling the starter is all it does, cuz i can use my car starter to start my car and then put in the bad key and the car runs fine it just says security on the dash. :?:

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Could be either I've had both happen and once it was the starter and i had nothing when I turned the key and another the security light came on and I tried the backup key and it worked.

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mine was the solenoid. I spent three years with it going out. I thought it was in the steering because it wouldn't start if the wheels were turned. Started every time with the wheels straight. After 3 years it got to where it wouldn't start with the wheels straight on occasion. I'd have to sit and dink with it for several min. before it just magicaly caught.


Replaced both starter and solenoid. Mech said it was a cheaper fix to do both.

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Because the solenoid is built on top of the starter and would require a lot of time-consuming dismantling to get it off and replace it.

I think most places only sell the starter as an assembly.

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Yeah the solenoid sits right on top of the starter and I've replaced both on my old Celebrity at separate times. The starter was first to go and the car would not start when hot at first, and then not at all after a while. New/rebuilt starter $80 and i was able to get it separate from the solenoid and was sort of a PIA to change. About 4yrs later the solenoid went out and it would do the not starting randomly thing hot or cold, and then after a while not at all (but it didnt take 3yrs like Lee's did -only like 3 weeks before it died) And it was only $15 and ALOT easier to swap out.


So to me the initial problem description on this thread sounds like the solenoid since there was no clicking sound either and it would be a cheaper place to start.

Unless its the key chip thing, I would look at that incase its as easy as changing to a spare/new key.

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