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Injector Question

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Alright, Im gonna get these 1.6 rockers this summer. So, I'll get more air into the combustion chamber, but not more gas. So, what I am wonderin is if puttin in TGP 22lb/hr injectors would gain me any HP or even be worth my money? I mean, Im already gonna have the valve covers off and the intake manifolds, so if changing injectors is worth it, I will. Any info is greatly appreciated




in my semi pro opinion, i wouldnt do it, the MAF shold compensate for the amo0unt of air goin in?


I got a MAT/IAT not MAF, just lettin ya know. I mean I think the computer will compensate for the more air, cuz it wont like it running lean, so it should inject more gas. However, I want more power, so Im wondering if these would work




The slight difference in rocker ratio should not affect the engine. the computer will compensate for the extra air it takes in through the O2 sensor and/or maf sensor readings. The stock injectors are capable of alot. If your injectors cant handle it or are worn out then replace them. I don't know exactly how much of a power increase your going to see, but dumping more fuel does not give you more power. You need to have more air when you have more fuel. Good rule of thumb (lean is mean and rich is a bitch) Just remember to listen for detonation. The first signs of detonation needs to be addressed before its too late. :) :) :) Good luck!


my injectors arent bad at all, I was just curious since I was going have access to them. Thanks guys, I think I'll leave the stock injectors. Just curious if TGP injectors would help. Im gonna go with a cone intake too when I do the rockers to get a lot more air in thier. Again, thanks




Okay.....Anything else you guys suggest I do when I have my intakes off and stuff for the rockers? I want to take advantage of this and do everything I can while I can.






change your O2 sensor, replace O ring on oil pump drive, when you take the lower intake off, clean the HELL out of the intake runners around the injectors

  \ said:
change your O2 sensor, replace O ring on oil pump drive, when you take the lower intake off, clean the HELL out of the intake runners around the injectors


Good point! Now, about the intakes. I have heard guys talk about porting and polishing them themselves, and heard it worked pretty well. What about that and how hard would that be? If not porting then just polishing them.




On a 3.1 hard to say. I have a 3.4 with a port/polished intake. if you find someone that will tackle it i say go for it :D :D


polishing is easy on the 3.1 intakes, but you really don't want to polish anything AFTER the injectors, could cause the fuel vapor to collect on the polished surfaces and liquify again. Anything above that is good


Good to know, so, I can do this myself with a die grinder or dremel tool? I dont have the money to let someone else do it. So, if possilbe I would like to just polish up to the injector myself, anyone got any insight on doing it yourself?




Be careful and watch how much material you take off. You don't want to end up with pockets in the intake :) :!:


i wouldn't even get a cone intake, i really don't like mine. It hisses loud and maybe a lil better fuel eco, but the intake tube is always to frigign hot to touch. If you want mine make a offer. I'm jsut gonna throw in the stock air box with the square K & N, and hack the air box a lil bit. Later Jay


Just my 2 cents

  \ said:
Be careful and watch how much material you take off. You don't want to end up with pockets in the intake :) :!:


Yeah I know. Im just going to give it a light polish, cuz like you said, I dont want to screw it up. As far as the intake, Im gonna use aluminum tubing, it dissipates heat pretty well, and maybe get some heat resistant powder coating or wrap it in insulation. Thanks guys



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