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1997 Cavi CD Player in 93 Lumina??

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I got a delco CD player out of a 97 cavi. i was wondering if it would work in my 93 Lumi z34? or is there any ways i can make it fit?


and i dont have to splice or switch the plugs cause when this newer cd player was taken out they just snipped the plugs just incase i needed them. i just use the factory plugs?


You'd have to switch the few wires mentioned in that thread, but you can use your factory plugs.


Theftlock wont effect anything, unless the HU you bought is locked...in which case it wont work.


Hey I did this in my Lumina...that thread up above was mine. If you need help PM me or IM me (never on IM much anymore though)... I have pics I can send...it's very simple to do. 3 of the 4 harnesses will plug in. The one that won't plug in you have to run a jumper wire from color to color. It was gray to brown or something...I can't remember read through the other thread (sorry it's late I dont feel like looking)...if you still get stuck, again, I have pics of the harness and wires you have to move...I'd be more than willing to share just let me know.


I'm looking thru all my folders for the pics then I'll send them. Do me a favor. Plug the radio into the existing harnesses. 3 of the 4 pigtails will plug in. Make sure the radio works and it isn't locked. If it is locked, it will say "LOC" on the face. If so, go to the FAQ section and the steps to unlock it are they... that's easy to do. Make sure the antenna is plugged in because if it is not, the radio will not work. Infact I don't think you'll get any sound out at all.


I'll have pics of the wires later. To tell you in words, the gray wire in the "useless" pigtail (the one that wouldnt plug in) was my lights. In the "power" pigtail )which is the larger pigtail, the other 2 smaller ones are front and rear speakers) I needed to take the brown wire with the WHITE line on it and switch it. (PS, there are 2 brown wires, a solid and a brown with a white line) What I did was get some wire, sliced a VERY tiny slit in the coating around the gray and brown with white striped wires (use a flat razor to do so), strip the ends of the wire I was jumping the gray to the brown, and electrical taped it all together.


Try that see if it works. I'm gonna keep looking for the pics of the wires.


Pics Please!




I just completed this swap.


I depinned to swap....

I removed the gray wire with black stripe (from slot 7 on the primary connector) and replaced it with the brown wire from the balck/red harness.


I got the parklite lights to dim fine, but the digital display flickers worse and worse as I dim the lights. And since I always run with the lights dimmed most of the way anyhow, it is quite annoying!


I always thought that flickering was because of the incompatibilty between the new H/U and the older one - the one I have flickers to when I dim the display...


p.s. thanks to stockGp


I now have the info on the SVC And hooked it to the line for my speedo.


As well as the info for the plug in for SWRC. I plan to build a SWRC circuit board with switches for my column.


I'm still thinking about the display dimming....


P.S. I need to get some knobs!


hmm... should work fine mine doesn't flicker. I cannot find the pictures due to a wipe I did on my computer so I have to look through all my backup disks and find them. I should have them by tomorrow night if all goes well.


1990Lumina, did you do the swap in your car? I remember you talking about it.


1990Lumina, did you do the swap in your car? I remember you talking about it.


Not yet, however the deck I have in there now is of the correct era, but I dunno, the display has always flcikered when I dim it....


I'm still thinking of doing the swap though...just finding the time to do it and convincing my buddy to let his factory deck go cheap or free lol

hmm... should work fine mine doesn't flicker.


I tired several wiring methods....


One way (possibly the way you describe, where it sounds like you spliced the gray w black strip and brown wires together) disables the "backlighting" And made all the back lighting much dimmer when the parkinglights/headlights were on. There was much less flickering as the lights dimmed.


I completely detached the Gray w black stipe wire and substitued the other wire... and the digital display flickers worse and worse, but everything else works correctly.



I wonder if I were to add a 'line filter' to the parking light line if it might make a difference?



stand by for pics this weekend! Think tape deck combo!


I Still Need Knobs! Any recommendations?


Might have knobs. Let me look tomorrow after work and I'll let you know. If so, I'll send 'em out.


i have the radio hooked up but i didnt do the wiring for the lights. my dash lights stay on after i shut the door. they normally go out after 30 seconds but now they stay on. any have this problem? i hooked up another older cassette radio months ago and it did the same thing. is it because i didnt do the wiring or do i have some other problem?


i have the radio hooked up but i didnt do the wiring for the lights. my dash lights stay on after i shut the door. they normally go out after 30 seconds but now they stay on. any have this problem? i hooked up another older cassette radio months ago and it did the same thing. is it because i didnt do the wiring or do i have some other problem?


it is a radio incapatibility. You have to swap the two wires that were listed in previous posts


the wiring has to be wrong somewhere....I put a radio from a '99 Trans am in my '86 Fiero without a problem so you have to be able to get yours wired in properly somehow...


yeha had to switch those two wires, now my dash lights dont stay on and i can dim the radio and everything. thanks for all the help


this 1997 cd player wont play any burnt cds. or none that i have tried so far. any one elses do that? or did they start changing them in 98 because the one in my dads 98 Z28 plays them...

show us pics if possible :D


ill try and get some pics. i think one of the bulbs in the radio is burnt out though cause 4 of the preset buttons dont light up. but ill see if i can find someones camera

show us pics if possible :D


ill try and get some pics. i think one of the bulbs in the radio is burnt out though cause 4 of the preset buttons dont light up. but ill see if i can find someones camera

I opened up the radio and took out the circuit borad and replaced the bulbs. Yikes. There are 9 bulbs, only 2 still worked. I scavenged 3 broken radios for their good bulbs to do this.



coming soon, 92 Lumina pics with a external tape deck!

this 1997 cd player wont play any burnt cds. or none that i have tried so far. any one elses do that? or did they start changing them in 98 because the one in my dads 98 Z28 plays them...


Honestly I have no idea. The one in my dad's Lumina is from an 00 S-10, the one in my car is from a 99 Monte, and the one in my friend's car is from an 01 Blazer. One thing with mine though, as far as I can tell it skips, but then you take the cd out and put it back in and then it's fine? Don't know what that's all about. Maybe the deck needs to be cleaned?


Crazyk, how did you open up the circuit board? Like, if you start taking the radio apart, is it self explanatory? I have a donor radio to use if that ever happens, so I'm curious.

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