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underhood fan fun


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so just a little bit ago i was sitting there talking to a friend with the engine on and realized that the temp had risen to 220 and no fan was on. i went home and shoved the paperclip into the diagnostic thing and only the left one came on. im stupid, so any suggestions?

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try to power up the fan independeltly
:werd: Or swap the plugs of the 2 fans and do the "paperclip" trick again to see if the other one powers up.


The fan motors GM uses are notoriously crappy. The cheap ($40) replacements they sell at the auto parts stores aren't much better...

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When I messed with the fans on my old (TurboSedans new) TSTE.

I paperclipped the ALDL.

swapped relays from fan to fan

Used to test light on the none working fan to verify it was getting power.

Replaced fan


I could have skipped messing with relays by simply testing for power at the fan plug, and working backwards from there.

I think you have to replace the fan motor and fan blade together, at least that was the case for the TSTE. You're lucky though, I spent $120 for one fan. Hopefully a regualar W fan setup is much cheaper.

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Im having the same problem with my 1994 Cutlass Supreme with a 3.1. When sitting in the car the left fan comes on with the a/c but the right one never comes on. Even when the car's temp goes to around 220-230 and the check gauges light come on neither fan kicks on. I was wondering about just jumping the relay so that the right fan turns on at start up? any Problems with doing so??

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