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alpine head unit

sony 5.25

pioneer 6x9


will an amp make my system sound better?


should i amplify the 6x9's only? so a 2 channel amp?


when I had my Infinity's first put in, I had a amp hooked up to em. It did make then louder thats for sure. And maybe a little bit better. But if you add an amp, amp all four. Unless you plan on getting subs and everything in the future...


i dont think i will be getting a sub


so power all 4?


4 channel amp then?


whats a good quality amp thats not too expensive


how does the wiring go?


power ------> amp


amp------> 4 or 2 speakers?


is this possible?


amp-------->radio---------> 4 or 2 speakers?


sorry i ahve absolutely no idea


The infinity doesnt look that bad.....But I would reevaluate the sub thing. I would get the infinity amp and maybe a nice 10" in a sealed box and use two of the amps channels from the for 2 speakers and bridge the other two together for the sub.



And to awnswer your earlier question.. You need to run a fused power wire from the battery to the amp, as well you will need to ground the amp(usually within 3 feet of where its mounted). And run some rca's from the back of your alpine cd player to the amplifier. Then you can just run the outputs of the amplifier to which ever speakers you choose to power. If you need more details on how exactly to do this just let me know :)


yeah just some food for thought, I didnt think I was gonna be getting subs, so I had amped all my speakers, and now this weekend, Im taking that all out, so I can have room for other things... But the sealed 10" like Puggsley456 said, wont take up much room at all and will sound good. (not trying to sway your decision)


here, this satisfied my friend Jim. We busted it out in like 1 or 2 weeks, He is blown away by the rich lows. its a 4 channel amp with the front channel doing all 4 cabin speakers on high range and the back channel switched to low pass.very simple and satisfying. low power consumption as well.



I found out real quick that messing with car stereo stuff is like getting tattoos. You only plan on getting just one and then....you get hooked. Starting out amping your existing speakers is a good idea but, once you hear the sound, you'll want more. Depending out your choice of music, a little bass just adds that extra something. You'll see once you amp your 4 regular speakers. It will sound nice but...something will be missing. Once you decide to throw in a sub (or two) you'll be hooked. Never underestimate the power of well placed bass. :lol: Good luck

Its like crack!!!! :leaving: :willynilly: :leaving:

LMAO...ya know, sometimes I think crack would be cheaper. But then again, the high lasts much longer with good bass. 8)

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