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My classy audio system. Everyone is jealous. Must see.

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I got so sick of trying to fuck with factory CD headunits and not being able to listen to what I want that I finally just caved and bought some cheap POS player we had at Target. Got it for like $90 with my discount. Word of advice: Never buy the shitty assfuck installation kits we sell there. Buy the Scoche ones at Wal-Mart if you don't want to spend a lot. Those are actually pretty good quality. I also bought the GM harness adapter. It's my first aftermarket deck installation I did myself.





It's a 200 watt Jensen CD headunit. It also has full XM capabilities if I go spend like $30 on the XM box. I really don't care enough to do that though. I'm not putting any more money into this system until I have enough to go all out. For $90 it isn't bad at all. It doesn't sound bad, and doesn't look horrible either. Sounds better than the cheap-ass Pioneer my friend had in his Cavalier.


I hope to have my real system in by Summer. I just need suggestions on a really good headunit. I'm liking Eclipse's CD8455. I'm pretty set on Boston Acoustic speakers. I'd also love to have a competition-line ZAPCO amp. Not sure about what sub though. Anyhow. There you go. My wonderfully trashy audio setup.


lol that's not so bad...except you loosing the steering wheel controls for the radio.


My Cutlass and the '90 Quad 4 both have some Pioneer DEH-1600 decks...the ones that retail for $119 new...they do sound good...its usually the speakers as the factory 6 speaker setup in my cutlass sounds a lot better than the 4-speaker deck does.


My car has a curcuit city install kit that i got for free, and the '90 has a wal mart install kit...the wal mart one isn't as nice but it works alright.


nice man!!! tahts good for something pretty cheap, i always laughed at those ones at target



but it seems to be sweet for $90


How is the Jensen for burned cds? A friend of mine had an older 1.5DIN Jensen that would play regular cds fine, but was so sensitive to burned cds that you literally couldn't even drive the vehicle, you had to sit in one place or else it would skip nonstop.

Buy the Scoche ones at Wal-Mart if you don't want to spend a lot. Those are actually pretty good quality.
:werd: They've had my endorsement for over 12 years. The Scosche kits are better than the crap they sell at Best Buy, Circuity City, Ultimate Electronics, etc etc.


When you get a bit older and have more disposable income, you can graduate up to one of these head unit mounts:




You say you want an Eclipse? Do you drive this car to school every day? You're just begging for your car to be broken into if you buy an Eclipse. Go for a higher-end Pioneer or Alpine (with a detachable face, natch) so you can at least take the faceplate with you. Even though the Eclipse decks won't function after they've been stolen, they're still "eye candy" for less-informed thieves.


Go with Infinity or Boston for speakers, and get components!


Eclipse H/Us are the shit...my friend's dad has one in his Porsche 928 and it sounds very good with the speakers in that car (not sure what it has for speakers)


DiscoStudd is that "Impala" script part of the Scosche?? that looks kinda P/S'ed


The thing plays ANY CD, no matter how scratched or fucked up it is. Tim's Kenwood on the other hand won't play a CD with even one little scratch on it. I really don't live in a bad neighborhood, so I'm not that concerned about getting my HU stolen. Eurosport94, that blockoff plate is from another company. I can't remember their name off the top of my head. Like I said, not bad at all for under 100 bucks.


for under $100 shaun that looks great. Jensen has gotten better from what I understand.


Here's my basic h/u Pioneer DEH-2400F 45wx4 setup. I've had it since I got the cutlass when this was a new model that I paid almost $200 for. It's pretty powerful and my system sounds great. I've got it hooked up to Pioneer TS-A6985 6"x9" 260w speakers in the rear and Pioneer TS-G1047 4" 100w speakers in the front. It's a basic setup b/c I don't have any flashy Cutlass emblems on it. :lol:



DiscoStudd is that "Impala" script part of the Scosche?? that looks kinda P/S'ed
It's a totally differant kit dude. :lol:



It damn sure isn't an "off the shelf" piece. And it sure the hell isn't a PhotoChop.


http://maptechenterprises.netfirms.com/humountgallery/nfpicturepro/ Click on the Impala gallery.


The kit I bought was for a Monte Carlo, and I had him make me an Impala script for the faceplate. He now sells kits for the Impala outright.



I really don't live in a bad neighborhood, so I'm not that concerned about getting my HU stolen
I'd be more concerned with the punks at school getting a glimpse of that Eclipse HU and breaking into your car when they see it at the local pool hall (or burger joint, or where ever you happen to be hanging out.) Shit, my parents don't live in a "bad" neighborhood either, but back when my brother was living at home, some punk smashed the window of his car and nabbed the stereo all because he didn't pull the face off of it that night...

heres the deck I use.....It has every option I need....But I cringe when I remember how much I payed for it. $550cdn three years ago. Its in the shop right now getting the dmask fixed under warranty.....!



Guest Anonymous

Its good that you got a working CD player, but i myslef would have held out for the perfect factory one. But you know how i am with the stock look.


I use the Metra kit we have at Best Buy.. I am using the adapter w/ the EQ cutout in it, and am going to make a plate that says "Cutlass" or "Stevezasycho", lol

Its good that you got a working CD player, but i myslef would have held out for the perfect factory one. But you know how i am with the stock look.

And I'm far more anal than you, but since the rest of the car doesn't look good, and I'm sick of pissing away insane amounts of money on factory components that sound like piss, it'll do for now.

Its good that you got a working CD player, but i myslef would have held out for the perfect factory one. But you know how i am with the stock look.


see the thing is there aren't any perfect factory ones. 99% of them have a flaw of some nature that makes them a total whore to live with for day to day use. and unless he had the money to spend and to even find someone who still offers reman CD mechanisms for the factory units, its not really worth it, and trust me. i tried the cassete deck thing in my lumina for awhile so i could maintain the stock look, i got tired of 80s cassetes that sound like ass real fast.


some day i'll get my factory lumina CD player repaired, but for right now my cheepo clarion makes any drive i take alot better then waiting an hour or 3 for a factroy HU to "warm-up" and only play non burned cds

Its good that you got a working CD player, but i myslef would have held out for the perfect factory one. But you know how i am with the stock look.

And I'm far more anal than you, but since the rest of the car doesn't look good, and I'm sick of pissing away insane amounts of money on factory components that sound like piss, it'll do for now.


:lol: Weren't you the one that told me that factory components sound better than aftermarket???

DiscoStudd is that "Impala" script part of the Scosche?? that looks kinda P/S'ed
It's a totally differant kit dude. :lol:




Does the Grand Prix 92-03 ones work with like, first gen GPs like in my car? and i can get custom lettering?




Thats exactly what i want, but can i have them make it say Turbo Grand Prix?

DiscoStudd is that "Impala" script part of the Scosche?? that looks kinda P/S'ed
It's a totally differant kit dude. :lol:




Does the Grand Prix 92-03 ones work with like, first gen GPs like in my car? and i can get custom lettering?




Thats exactly what i want, but can i have them make it say Turbo Grand Prix?


Email the guy. He can make damn near anything from what I read.


I have that same Jensen in my Trans Am. Good "cheap" cd player. Plus, was one of the few baseline decks that wouldn't look REDICULOUSLY out of place in my car :lol: Only issue w/mine is on cds, it seems like it skips the first 1/2 second of the song. But, you can't hear the stereo in the T/A anyways so....:lol:

Its good that you got a working CD player, but i myslef would have held out for the perfect factory one. But you know how i am with the stock look.

And I'm far more anal than you, but since the rest of the car doesn't look good, and I'm sick of pissing away insane amounts of money on factory components that sound like piss, it'll do for now.


:lol: Weren't you the one that told me that factory components sound better than aftermarket???

The speakers are actually fine when they have a decent HU powering them. It's the HU's themselves that sound like shit.

Does the Grand Prix 92-03 ones work with like, first gen GPs like in my car? and i can get custom lettering?




Thats exactly what i want, but can i have them make it say Turbo Grand Prix?

Drop him an e-mail. As long as you have an image of what you want on the HU mount, he can make it for you. The HU mount has 2 pieces to it. The front faceplate is what he mills out with your custom logo.


If he has a mount for the 92 GP, it should work in your TGP provided you have the 1-piece radio. If you have the 2-piece radio, then he'll have to do something custom for ya. But yeah, drop him a line and ask if it's something he could make for ya...

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