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Rear brake lights?


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The rear brake lights on my 95 Monte Carlo aren't working anymore. The middle/thrid brake light works, but both of the corner ones are out. The bulbs are fine. Any ideas?



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i don't know if the late model w-bodies are afflicted with this, but when the turnsignal switch is broke (the prongs on it need bent back to make contact), the rear brake lights don't work anymore. are you having problems with your turn signals too?

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well in order to make the turn signals work if have to hold the turn signal in place and back a little to make left turns, right is fine aswell as the right brake light, so you say i have to bend some prongs to fix this because its really anoying

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yeah, i know, mine drove me nuts. But it wasn't hard to fix. You have to get a stearing wheel puller from autozone (they will loan one to you for a small fee that they give back to you when you return teh puller) But you need to pull the stearing wheel to access teh signal switch. You might want to make a new post asking if anyone has pictures of teh switch and stuff just so you know what it all looks like. I know a couple people here have the pics. It helps a lot.

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Yea, it's the turn signal switch..

My cutlass does that same thing if you even mess with the hazard switch. (thank goodness the hazard is broke off, lol)

Since you've got a Monte (and an air bag) you might want to leave this to someone qualified to do the work. I had the same problem on my Lumina, but I was able to repair it myself since it didn't have an airbag to remove. But all it involves is removing the steering wheel, removing the old switch assembly, installing the new switch assembly, and sticking your steering wheel back on. It's simple to do, but with the airbag, it adds another degree of difficulty, lol.


Good luck.

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Yeah, my turn signal switch on the Cutty acts up every now and then. Especially when I turn left. I'll flip the switch, and I'll hear the "click, click, click....", but no flash on the dash. All I have to do is pull just a hair back on the switch, like I was going to put my brights on, then It'll start flashing. Damn GM turn signals, GM calls it the "smart stalk", :lol:




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Yea i took of the steering wheel turns out i had a puller to get it off and the switch is almost totally worn out i think i can barley get it to work. A new one cost 75 bucks. Man what a rip off. Anyone have any ideas for me...

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well, there is always the junkyard

but i bent the prongs back out on mine, greased them with that junk you put on sparkplugs, then put the switch back in, then i broke a hacksaw blade in half and used both pieces as a shim between the steering wheel and teh switch to keep it pressing the contacts together.

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